Victor Hood

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Victor Hood(Celtic Dragon)
2013-09-18 00005.jpg

LEAGUE: Young Unity
TEAM: Hero
MENTOR: Batman/ Wolfang/ Kyle Rayner
POWER: Light
WEAPON Hand Blasters
ALLIES: Young Unity,Young Freedom,The Freedom League,Shadow Fighters,Young Bucks,Olympus, The Fabulous Fatal's, The Animorphs


DC Universe Online biography

Before becoming Promethean's ambassador, Victor Isaac Hood, a member of Young Freedom, founded by his mentor the renowned thunder god known as Wolfang, was inadvertently transported to another dimension due to a phenomenon known as ' a dimensional rift". He emerged in the Utopian city known as Metropolis and there he was given additional abilities by technological advances known as exobytes. Once he acquired his new abilities he was recruited by a group of young adults known as Young Unity. After some time with them, he now spends his time as a member of Young Freedom and as a reserve member of Young Unity helping both leagues defend both their Earths from evil.

A New 'Wolf' is born

Victor Hood was born on November 25th, during a full moon no less, To Vincent and Thalia Hood and was immediately baptised into clan hood at his young age. Red Haired and Green eyed Victor, often described as 'Strong and Smart' by his parents and fellow clansman, was introduced into training at the young and tender age of 4 in which he obtained a remarkable talent at archery by the age of 16. Hour after Hour of training with his father also gave him a vast knowledge of martial arts and martial arts weapons inluding katars,staffs and others. By the mature age of 17 he was given a seal clad in gold with a bright,shining image meant to resemble Fenrir, A Fearsome Wolf in Norse Mythology, Son of Loki and murderer.

The seal passed down by each chosen clansman through either death,will or banishmeant,given to all chosen boys at 17, was bestowed upon Victor for his " Amazing Skill and Courage" as so proudly was stated by his Father,Vincent,during their festival meant to bestow such an honor to any worthy young man and honor their mythological beast Fenrir. Proudly Victor with the clans symbol reflecting his green eyes,accepted this highly presticious honor.

His parents love and demise: Part 1

Victor's Mother Thalia worked as the clan's doctor. She had an astute knowledge of alchemy and herbal medicine and remedies in which she passed down to Victor. Countering that, His Father was one of the most respected and feared warriors of the clan,known all around the land as the "DeiWolfs", He commanded the various battlefields in which he and his comrades fought with a vicious and swift fist.

But his fathers commanding presense could not repair their crumbling relationship with thier neighboring irish faction headed by thier leader ClaidMor. The two clans, seperated by many many miles, had a very shaky trade relationship. Vincent's clan would make goods such has whiskey, gold armor and many other jewels in return for Orin, a valuable substance in which was scarce in The Deiwolfs staked territory, which was what thier livelyhoods depended on to drive thier fragile economy and which was why Claidmor's Clan was so much richer.

The date was a rainy and stormy day in december. Both clans had traveled afar, over a 3 day period, nearly 2000 miles to meet for an attempted re-neogotiation of the trade agreement. Vincent,co-sided by his second lietanent Oli Greenberger, surveyed the landscape. "Sir I see them." Oli stated while looking as well. " Ah Good they actually showed this time" Vincent replied, casually stroking his bright red beard " Get the cavalry up to that cliff and tell them to get thier bows and arrows prepared.

Oli responded "Sir I Dont think-- To which Vincent interupted " Trust Me Oli, This has to be done in a one on one manner. Its not going to help anyone if my men and his men are gritting teeth at each other.". "Understood Vince, I hope for our sake your right."oli said. he then turned to his troops and shouted "MEN, YOU HEARD HIM, MOVE UP TO THE CLIFFS!". Vincent then glanced down to the approaching ClaidMor and preceded as well until they met in the middle. Staring intensely at each other, Claidmor said " Im elated you could make it Vincent Hood of Hood Manor" he then proceeded to put the intended new trade parchment on a stone tablet rooted in the middle. .

He then said in a sarcastic tone " Are you familiar with the law of all clans?" "Watch your Tongue ClaidMor!I know the laws in which i studied" Vincent said in a sharp tone. ClaidMor scoffed " Then you'll remember well, that any breach of our trade agreement will have to be remedied by an additonal charge. "Charge? Your demands outlive our means of production." Vincent responded as he grabbed the parchment and ripped it up as he continued to say" My People cannot produce your so called needed garbage. Our economy is in shambles and we have been drained dry." Tensions were at a all time high understandably so,their relationship had deterriated and was at the point of no return. " Well since you have no intention of agreeing or obeying the laws. I see no other alternative then to cut you down right now.

At this point they had both had their hands on the hilts of of their respective swords. There was no chance of going back now. "JUST TRY IT, SCUM" Vincent boomed has they both unsheathed thier swords. Both Vincent's and Claidmor's men had drew and prepared their bow and arrow to cut down the opposing clan leader.

The dark and stormy weather seemed to match the current situation incredibly well, as if the gods knew of the potienal deaths that might take place. "So what the bloody hell are we waiting for" Vincent said. Oli eyes shifted nervously "There is too many of them. We're hoplessly outnumbered, we have no goddam chance of surviving this mess.he then glanced at the cavalry "Men lower your weapons,NOW!". He then shouted to Vincent " SIR WE CANNOT FIGHT THEM! WE HAVE TO RETREAT." Vincent was hesitant to do so but he knew Oli was right. "Okay, there is no need to be hasty. Both of us are in a shitty position. No matter what may happen to our men WE will BOTH die regardless of which side is victorius." ClaidMor,with a bead of sweat forming on his brow at his impending doom, put away his sword.

"This is far from over Hood. You better be looking behind your shoulders at all times." "MEN MOVE OUT!" And with a flash of lightning, Claidmor had dissapeared, it seemed, in an instant. As Oli walked up to Vincent's side, Vincent said " Everything has gone straight to hell. I just put my men and you in danger. Now we are stuck with no agreement." To which Oli< putting his hand on Vincent replied " It was bound to happen Sir. Even Fenrir himself couldnt have saved this broken relationship. "But how are we going to survive? No orin means no food,clothes, no basic ammenadies" Vincent said in a slightly louder, rushed tone of voice. " ClaidMor is a greedy power hungry rich fool. He will get whats coming to him eventually. It will be tough for a few months but we can look for more orin rich areas. We should get to trekkin home now. Vincent smiled " Yes thats a good idea. its Victor's 17th birthday in a couple of days. He will be elated at the festivities. Okay men Lets go home."

His parents love and demise: Part 2

It was a sunny day in the elitist town of Briadshard, and in the highest tower in the center of the populated city, Claidmor stood on the balcony staring down at the cityy when a soilder with three cloaked figures entered the hall. The soilder saluted while he said "SIR, The elders have arrived." Cladmoir turned " AW yes thank you. My wise and distinguished guests please take a seat. We have very urgent business to discuss. Each Elder walked in a straight line towards a seemingly comfortable couch as Cladmior walked to and behind a marble counter to conjure up some drinks.

He then looked up at the elders, " The Elders of Elitism, Greed, and Segregation. My distinguished Guests, An urgent affair as just arose concerning the Deiwolfs!." he continued but was interrupted by one of the elders. The Elder of Greed who was a tad taller then the other's spoke " We are fully aware of the state of the trade agreement." The Elder of elitism began to speak " The shabby Deiwolfs are now unable to adhere to the agreement." Then, as if in a pattern the last elder, The Elder of segregation, spoke in a hoarse voice." If its fully certain that they are inconsolable and cannot fulfill their end of the agreement then certain measures must be taken to ensure our stable future."

ClaidMoir took a sip of the spiced rum he was preparing and spoke curiously " What measures have the elders proposed?" " We feel its time for a statement to be made to all the neighboring clans and regions. To all who dare oppose us. The Punishment will be swift and utter annihilation."said the elder of greed. Claidmor eyes widened and he said elated " Such a Big and Huge Resort it is. We have at least 100 reserve soldiers in waiting.

"THEN ITS SETTLED!" the elder of green boomed with delight " You are to conjure up those troops as well as the main ranks to storm to Deiwolfs territory and carry out our proposal, and you are to leave none alive,understood? "Just what i want to hear wise ones" Claidmor said happily " Consider your wishes done! We will leave as soon as the sun is at its lowest tonight." And that was that, the set of events that would shape Victor's whole future was set into motion, his revenge,his redemption, his future life as a superhero, and his new family.

It grew dark and still as drums began to sound and torches were lit. A long ivory table was evident with a fantastic array of food and at the head of the table sat 17 year old Victor in a fancy over sized chair clad in jewels in which funnily enough made Vic look even smaller than he actually was and as he sat gleaming at all the food,his parents sat to his side enjoying the festivities as well. Now, normally Vincent sat in the decorative chair at the head, but this was Victors birthday and also he was to be presented with the the gold seal of Fenrir as well that belonged at that time to his father and by allowing Vic to sit at the head he was, without saying it, passing the torch to Victor.

Vincent tore into a turkey leg as Oli walked towards him. "AW what a great great celebration this is my friend!" Oli said as he put his hand on Vincent's shoulder to which Vincent replied " A great celebration indeed for my strong young son! how are you enjoying your food Vic?" "Its really good..." Victor said even though his speech was slurred for he was eating while talking. "Such a hearty feast for a hearty lad." Oli said while laughing hard. Everyone was enjoying the circus like atmosphere full of music, dancing, fire breathers and drums. Meanwhile at the northern point at a lookout point stationed about several feet from the festivities a Guard was stationed as lookout.

He suddenly noticed a huge mass of spears with silver blades at the tip. He looked through a brass telescope in which the mass was revealed to be soldiers with the Briadshard symbol on there armor. The soldier immediately sounded a horn loud enough to warn everyone despite the loud goings on. Victor and his father noticed the horn,thanks to there acute sense of hearing, a second before the other patrons, a second that seemed to make all the difference in the world.

Flame Arrows began appearing as if out of thin air from all around them. They we're flanked. As the arrows pierced through the tent, many were hit. "THALIA GET VIC TO SAFETY!" Vincent shouted loudly as the clansmen began to get there wits about and as Oli grabbed his and Vincent's sword in which he handed to Vincent.

Thalia grabbed Victors arm in a rushed manor and yanked him from the chair. Victor was only able to get one word out before he was pulled away "DADDY!" he screamed at the top of his little lungs. Daddy was the last words he ever spoke to his father. As Vincent and the Deiwolfs fought the forces of Briadshard,Thalia, in a panic, dragged Vic away from the chaos. Victor was barely able to keep up with his mothers pace. They ran until they came to a small den like cave. Victor was rushed into it by Thalia. He screamed to her "MOMMY WHERE'S DADDY?" as she turned her head a moment to look back at the burning tent. She didn't answer though,as she turned her head back to Vic with tears in her eyes.

" Victor, You need to stay in here no matter what. Do you understand?" "Mommy i don't wanna" Victor replied pleadingly. "Victor you need to promise me that you'll stay in here." but Victor was insistent " Mother I want to fight!" to which Thalia sharply said "No!" she then took out a potion and released the gas into Vic's face. The potion was a powerful and potent knock out potion rendering complete unconciusness. Victor fell back against the back wall of the den,still looking at his mom with droopy eyes he managed to say "Mommy". Thalia then said her last words to her son with tears still in her eyes "Victor I love you so much. Remember you're so strong, Be a good person and always help those who cannot help themselves. I love you,always and forever." Victor then succumbed to the knock out agent. Thalia then said "I love you my son." She then closed the den door and left Victor in a temporary coma.

A New Person

During his coma, Victor had a dream, or a flashback rather, of him and his father on top of a mountaintop staring at a crimson sunset. After a particularly intense training session. He also dreamed what his father had said to him but he, for some odd reason, could only remember fragments of the conversations. Them being, leaving him as a phantom to lead and watch over him through life. His flashback then faded to black. He then saw a hooded figure with red eyes smiling at him semi-warmly. "Who are you?" Victor said to the figure but the figure did not respond it starting moving backwards and grew smaller and smaller until Vic could see him no longer. And everything then seemed quiet until........ some water seemed to slip through the cracks of the den falling onto Victor's face immediately waking him up. Delirious, Victor yelled for his mother and father but then remembered last nights events and noticed the sunshine gleaming through the damaged den door. He progressed towards the door and was able to break it down. He stepped outside into a different world. He went down to the site of the festival. Blood was everywhere. Ash was everywhere. Broken weapons were everywhere. Bodies were everywhere. It was a massacre. He followed an eerie trail of this until he came across two bodies that were noticeably different from the others.

The bodies were those of his parents. Victor ran up his parents with tears in eyes. He crumbled to there side and took his mothers limp hand. He sat there sobbing until he heard some moaning near him. It was a Briadshard soldier. Victor and his eyes met. Victor then grew numb. He stood up his mind was completely absent of any rational thinking. He then grabbed the nearest unbroken spear and walked towards the soldier who was to injured to escape. Victor then set his foot viciously on the soldier's chest. Victor raised the spear and screamed " WHO DID THIS TO MY PARENTS?!?!?!" before the soldier could answer, Victor noticed the symbol on the soldiers armor. "You're.....You're from Briadshard. Your the ones we had the trade agreement with." Victor's pupils became dilated at this point. "Who is your clan's leader?" Victor asked. When the soldier didn't answer,Victor then aimed the tip of the spear towards the soldiers throat "Pl...Please don't kill me" he pleaded. "I want a name or i swear to god" Victor said while gritting his teeth. "Okay,Okay His name is Claidmor. He lives to the west of here." said the soldier. "Thanks for the information. I hope its a cool day in Hell."he raised the spear but before he could unleash vengeance the soldier yelled "WAIT please you cant kill me, your just a kid." Victor then said something that indeed confirmed his changing into a different person " I am not a kid anymore I'm now a killer." he said and swiftly brought down the spear with such force that the birds surrounding the area flew off in terror.

It was done. Victor had killed a person. He raised his head to the sky and with is eyes closed felt the wind blow through his hair. Then a sparkle caught Victors eye. It was in his fathers hand, he then went to him and took his fathers hand and unveiled the object. It was the clans seal that was meant to be presented to Victor. It was soaked in blood. Victor wiped it with some cloth and put it in his pocket. He had some work to do.

Steps Towards Revenge

Victor had the unbearable task of burying all the casualties that were killed including his parents. He wouldn't let the Buzzards have a fill after all. After all the burials were complete he then proceeded to fabricate,with his astute alchemy and necromancy skills, weapons that included a green metallic bow and arrow set, a small katana, potion bombs, and a small pouch bag that could endlessly generate throwing daggers. Victor also did a spell that magically clad his body in tattoos. Tattoos of dragon's and Celtic crosses.

He also fabricated a new set of armor. After disposing of his festival attire. He wore his new green and black attire. He was no longer Victor Hood, He would for a long while refer to himself as "The Celtic Dragon". Vic then said his goodbyes to his parents his clansmen and his homeland and set out on his quest.

Emerald Embers(Two years later)

Victor had grown older on the road, traveling to Briadshard. He spent his 18th and 19th birthdays alone grasping his seal while walking taking very little room to rest until he finally reached a gray and lifeless stone fortress with a wooden lowering bridge with a sign that said "Briadshard." He had arrived. Vic entered into the busy city and surveyed the surroundings looking for a building that might belong to Claidmor. He then noticed the tallest fortress in the enclosed city. Immediately he knew who it belonged to. But when your leader of the richest clan in the region one doesn't exactly find it necessary to keep it subtle. Victor set a plan into motion in a very short time while studying the building. He would wait until dark.

One hour turned in two until it was 7:00. Victor made his move he scaled the wall with fabricated equipment and entered through the paynless window into a huge room with a crimson carpet and a fireplace. "Seems to be the study" he said quietly. He then proceeded up to Claidmor's room sneaking by his guards with amusing ease. Like a shadow he entered the room, Claidmor was asleep unaware of his assassin. Victor walked over to him and stood on his bed and crouched above Cladmior with his katana drawn. It took about a minute for Claidmor to sense Victor over him but before he could even think to open his eyes. Victor thrust the katana into Claidmors chest. His eyes were open now. With every breath Claidmor tried immensely hard not to scream. He was gritting his teeth so hard that they were cracking. As his face wretched in pain Victor spoke "Claidmor of Braidshard.............Look at me. Look at my face. Look into my eyes." He then raised his voice slightly " dead..soul" Claidmors eyes became bloodshot due to his immensely wretched face. Victor then began smirking sickly " Like what you see? Who do I look like?" Vic no longer whispered " DO I LOOK LIKE THE SON OF VINCENT AND THALIA HOOD WHO YOU MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD? He then viciously released the katana from the bloodied chest releasing huge amounts of blood everywhere.First screams...then silence filled the room.

Victor sat back with blood on his face looking up to the ceiling. He then turned his head to the commotion out in the hall. The door swung open revealing three guards who gasped at the shocking site. Victor looked at the stunned guards and as soon as one of them went to unsheath his sword Victor bolted out onto to the balcony and jumped off falling about 100 feet from the fortress into a mystical teleporting circle he had cast for a quick escape which was undetectable to the untrained eye. He crashed in the circle and re-emerged out the other end a few feet a away from the panicked city who could incredibly enough hear claidmor's screams. Victor had killed another man but this time he was filled with pleasure. He Trekked home in order to rebuild his life. But he would not get there.

Redemption from a Thunder God

The next day which was a sunny friday. Victor walked swiftly home gazing around at the nature that surrounded him. Nature that used to give him such joy and such moments of happiness. But that changed,although he did enjoy his nature watching, None of it could bring the most important people back into his life, his parents. He walked a little more and then started to question his purpose. His parents and his clansmen's death had been avenged. Claidmor was dead. Now what?

As he began to ponder that he came across a old bearded figure with a wooden flute. As he came across the old man he began to play a celtic tune that was very familiar to Victor. It was a lullaby that his mother would sing to him as a baby. Suddenly the old man spoke " Greetings wary traveler, fine day is it not?" he then laughed hysterically. Victor who grew into a very hard person also grew into a suspicious one. "Where have you heard that song old man?" "Ha old man? Kids these days! No respect for their elders." the old man said.

Vic's patience was wearing thin " I asked you a question. Where have you heard that song?" "Heard? This song is common knowledge my boy." the old man replied as he began to twirl his staff like a baton. "Really?" Victor said with a look of pure amazement of how bad of a liar the old man was" Well old man, that's funny seeing as how my late mother used to sing that song to me being that she wrote it." While saying that Victor drew his katana. "NOW TELL ME THE TRUTH" as he pointed the sword towards and very near in front of the old man. " I've killed two people in my life and I have no problem killing you." "Really?" the old man then shot back " I've killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people. And if your going to point a laughably crafted sword like that at me you better cut me with it." with that sentence the demeanor of the old man changed and the toothy grin of his disappeared. " You'll regret saying that old man." Victor said as he swung his sword powerfully but before Vic's eyes could keep up with his sword the old man swiftly caught it. Stunned Vic couldn't react quick enough to counter. Then suddenly storm clouds gathered and blocked out the sun. Thunder then crashed down and struck the old man directly. The force of the strike sent Victor flying back and in a daze he regained himself.

He sat up and focused his eyes on the old man but what he saw was no longer the frail looking old man but a muscular man shrouded in a blue aura, the man seemed to have electricity crackle off of his body. He had a impressive looking sword stowed to his side like a samurai and a blackish,grey straw hat straddled to his back. He had blonde spiky hair and piercing red eyes. "Those eyes!" Victor immediately flashed back to the dream he had two years ago. The man was the same cloaked figure from Victors dream. "You! Its you! The same man from my dream!"

" I have been watching you for a long time Victor Hood of Hood Manor" the man said " I'm very disappointed in what you have become." "Like I've said before I've destroyed and killed many people so this earth can keep on living and so snot nosed brats like you could still live on." Victor got up from the ground and asked "Who are you?" The man replied " My name is Wolfang the thunder god." Victors mouth dropped " Your the thunder god Wolfang? Weren't you a myth?" Wolfang scoffed as Victor continued " Your the 20 time winner of the World Martial Arts Tournament? You're one of the few nearly extinct Saiyans on earth?" "Smarter than you look Victor. And actually I've won the tournament about 50 times but who's counting."

Wolfang then walked towards Victor " We have a problem here Victor, You have blood on your hands. That blood will consume you until your nothing of what resembled your parents. So here is what is going to happen. Me and some other distinguished allies of mine are putting a team of young fledglings like yourself together to watch over the city of Sareen Coast. Your team will fight the battles that me and my allies cannot. So here is the choice I present to you" Wolfang created two energy spheres from his hands, one blue and one red. " If you decide to choose the red sphere I will disappear and you will be able to continue on home or you can choose the blue sphere and you will be transported by the speed of lightning to your new base in the coastline. Your new hopeful teammates will be waiting. So which is it Victor? Bloodshed or Redemption?

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions. Victor could either decide to continue on home by taking the red sphere or he could choose the blue sphere and begin his life anew. Victor began to reach towards the red sphere but stopped, he felt strange. He sensed two figures behind him. He turned around abruptly and witnessed the site of his parents standing next to each other. "Mother, Father!" Victor reached to touch his mother but his hand passed through her. They were gold clad manifestations,or essences rather, of his parents. "Victor. My son. Look at how much you've grown and yet look what you have become." The gold clad essence of his father stated " Revenge is not the way." Victor could not control his outburst " Dad! They killed all of you!" he was trying extremely hard to not lose his temper on his parents.

The essence of his mother Thalia then spoke "Victor this is not who you are. There is nothing of the old sweet,loving, goofy child you once were." Victor who had grown stubborn as well as hard and suspicious stated his feelings again " They took you two from me! I hate them!" Vic was now visibly crying. He was interrupted by Thalia who spoke again "Son. What happened to you at your age was unfair. It was tragic and traumatizing for you, I know, but what are you going to do if you take the red sphere? Go back home? Hunt rabbits for food? Wolfang is giving you a chance at redemption, a chance to cleanse the blood off your hands. Please son! I beg you."

Victor then , as soon as she said " I beg you!" succumbed to her pleading. He turned while still crying. and then redirected his grasp towards the blue sphere but not before looking back one last time and uttering the words "Mom. Dad. Thank you. I see now. I love you two so much." The essences's both smiled as Victor grasped the blue sphere. Wolfang smirked sharply "I knew you could do it Victor." Then suddenly an electric field began appearing, drawing them backwards. They were being transported to Sareen Coast! Victor only had time to mouth the words "I love you" one last time as they disappeared by a flash of lightning. They're departure departed the storm clouds and the sun then returned. The essences then disappeared. The sky was calm again.

Meeting The Team

Before Victor knew it he was transported to Sareen Coast! A party cloudy coastal town with lush greenery and a coastal boardwalk set with an amusement park. The town also had a beautiful park, thriving club scene and also had Sareen University. He had a view of all of this. Victor then turned around to a huge mansion with the initials "F.M" which also featured 7 symbols below it. A strange unreadable kryptonian-like symbol, The Eye of Horus, A Thundercloud surrounded by a circle, The initials "W.E" which Victor recognized as the Wagner Electronics Hobby Shop. How he knew this he had no idea. A mystical symbol, A thunder bolt, And a symbol of a wolf in which he immediately recognized as his clans symbol of the norse god Fenrir. "Nice touch." Victor thought to himself.

Suddenly a lightning bolt appeared and out of it Wolfang appeared. "Wolfang!" Victor said. "Greetings Victor." Wolfang replied "How do you like it?" Victor nodded as he said "Its awesome!". He and Wolfang then made their way into the mansion. The mansion was fitted with marble flooring, Crystal Chandoliers, and red carpeting. The rooms included a indoor pool, A private arcade, and a big giant entertainment area with a screen that could relay missions, communications, and breaking news scenarios. Victor walked to the main room and was greeted by numerous people. There he met his teammates.

Tre El A.K.A Maverick Boy: A muscular 20 year old, with jet black hair, tank top with the letter "M", and blue cargos that tucked into brown boots. A meta human believed to have kryptonian blood. He was an amazingly strong kid with severe anger issues, his father (Maverick Man) had denied and abandoned Tre since babyhood. Tre, as a result, had no father figure to look to. He was an extremely volatile person.

Pandora: Grandaughter of Wolfang and Daughter of Fang. Half Saiyan and half alien from the planet Shili. She first was trained in the Jedi arts but as she grew older she instead trained in the footsteps of Wolfang saying that she did this because she "Wanted to pay homage to her saiyan ancestors." She was a participant in the juniors division of the World Martial Arts Tournament winning 2nd place. Her Nickname was Pan.

Gaia Dominance: A blonde haired girl with blue eyes who attended Sareen University. Gaia was born in the red canyon city of Terraform and she could control and manipulate the Earth and ground, thus making any object imaginable from it. A friendly and compassionate girl who had a special connection with Tre, although he would never admit it, they both saw each other as more then friends. Gaia while working part time as a superhero was attending SU for her degree in nursing. Despite being a superhero and having the option to create a persona to hide her identity she made no effort to conceal her identity, she said that she felt that she was incredibly bad at the stereotypical 'secret identity' issue. Plus working part time as a student would most likely be to arduous, not to mention the younger generation at the time had the internet,social media, smartphones, dirtsheets, so even if Gaia wished to create one it most likely would have been found out anyway. So as a result she attended SU with no secret alias.

Marty Wagner A.K.A Kid Spore: Marty was the son of now semi-retired superhero and CEO of The Wagner Electronics Hobby Shop Alex Wagner who was once known as "Spore". A video game nerd and addict with every available console set up in his room. He also loved sweets and food. Not one to do his chores and/or clean his room much to Wolfangs annoyance. A very friendly and loyal person. Unlike his dad, Marty had no superpowers to speak of. He instead used his technological prowess and created many gadgets that helped in battle.

Billy Smith A.K.A Geo Spark: Billy was a speedster who oddly enough had no relation to the Flash family.Instead he obtained his powers the stereotypical super hero way with "some sort of accident with toxic chemicals." Billy was best friends with Marty and did almost everything with him. Billy was an eccentric and goofy kid and was the youngest member of the league.

And Lastly was Hour Jr. A dark cloaked apparition of a boy. Hour was the son of Hourman. His sorcery skills and alchemy skills rivaled Victors. Not much for conversations but was a brilliant scholar. He never let the outside world see his true form. Instead he would only let the league see it. He created a "disguise" of a blonde boy with black framed rectangular shaped glasses. He would veil himself with this image when out in public choosing to only discard in case of a emergency such as a bank robbery or an attack from a super villain. He could change his vocal pattern at will so he really had no set voice, however he would choose to speak in a Barbadian accent, saying that he did this because of him and his father's occupation in Barbados. He came to Wolfang as a baby. Hourman had attempted to sell his son's soul to the prince of darkness known as Lucifer in exchange for wealth and power. Wolfang intervened and saved the infant and his father's soul was sold in place of the rescued Hour.

Young Freedom

Victor gazed around at everyone in the common room. Adult and Kid alike. Wolfang then began to speak. "League recruits. come over here please." Once everyone was in their proper spot. Wolfang began talking again " Young ones I have recruited you all for a purpose. Me and my allies....." Wolfang directed the Kids glance to a handful of warriors/super heroes among them being Mist, God of Wind, Sareena, The Queen of the outer dimension known as JusticeRealm, Adam, a shaman and Saiyan and former rival of Wolfang who was charged with Guarding and maintaining the stability of the dead saiyan souls that were lost long after their planet was destroyed by Frieza, Wolfangs son Fang and Pan's dad who was now an experienced Jedi Knight and Marty's dad Spore who was in his business attire.

Wolfang continued" ..... have brought you all together as a new faction of Super Heroes. You will assist us in protecting this coast as all my allies and me deal with a impending threat to our world. This was news to the Kids. What was this threat? Victor, who was the more outspoken one out of the Kids asked " What is this threat?" to which Wolfang replied " That information is on a need to know basis. I'll hear no more about it from any of you. Understand?" The Kids all nodded at once and Victor reluctantly nodded as well.

"Now in terms of your new faction. You will be following in the footsteps of the former league known as The Freedom League. Like your Predecessor's you will be a faction dedicated to truth and justice. Now we discussed what to call your team. And we agreed. You will be the 7th version of The Freedom League known as Young Freedom. Billy was first to comment on the team formation " Well i don't know about you all but that sounds...AWESOME!!!!" He thrust his hand out. "Yeah." Marty agreed enthusiastically. " He joined his hand in the front with Billy's. One by one each of the Kids joined their hand in the middle all except Victor. This was all strange. He had been alone for awhile and now he would be moving with the others? A brand new life. But he remembered the promise he made his parents "No going back." Victor thought to himself. He then thrust his hand in which his hands joined the others. " Very Good." Wolfang stated. Victor then smiled his first smile in years.

EXTRA:First Mission

It was a nice sunny day on a Tuesday. The Kids were lounging and hanging out on the front grounds. Gaia was sunbathing, Vic and Pan occupied the two lawn chairs, Geo and Spore were playing frisbee and Tre and Hour were keeping to themselves. All was normal and peaceful until.... There was a massive KABOOM that forced Victor up. He looked down at the coast and saw a giant tanker boat absolutely engulfed in flames jetting massive black smoke into the sky and spilling crude oil into the ocean. Without a seconds notice the watchcomms beeped furiously. It was Wolfang. The team each opened there respective communicators. " I trust you all heard the explosions?" Wolfang asked. "Yeah we heard it." Tre said as he walked to Gaia's side "But how did it explode?" "I'm not certain yet." Wolfang replied " Hold tight I'm sending the details of the explosion point. As I do get down to the coast and try to extinguish the fire. You'll be greeted by my ally, Captain Eon, who will help you out. TEAM MOVE OUT!"

They all dispersed. Tre and Pan took point as Gaia flew behind holding Victor's hand in her hand and holding Kid Spore's hand in her other. To the streets below, Geo dashed at full speed down to the coast. Once they all joined at the coastal boardwalk, they met with a silver figure with blue hair and red boots and gloves and a purple spark design on his chest. " Great, You arrived! Sorry but we can talk after. lets get to work." he said. They all went into action. Gaia and Pan along with Eon did there best to manage the massive flames as Victor, Geo and Kid Spore transported trapped ship workers to safety and finally Tre and Hour were sent into the depths of the ocean to try to keep the oil from gushing anymore. Tre lifted the whole burning ship out of the water as Hour cast a barrier on the gaping hole thus stopping the flow of oil. Eventually the flames, thanks to Eon and the Girl's efforts, had subsided. In addition all of the crew members were rescued and accounted for. Tre had then set the broken ship onto the shoreline for further investigation. Finally Captain Eon, being a champion for the well being of nature mustered up tiny hurricanes with his arms and lowered them steadily sucking up a huge amount of water that had mixed with the oil. He then slowly began separating the oil and water, dropping the water into the ocean and dispelling the oil into the sky where he had conjured thunder clouds in which mixed with the oil. They began to evaporate which in turn evaporated the oil. The mission had gone extremely well but it wasn't over yet.

EXTRA:Nothing like his father!

The tanker sat on the beach, a largely hollowed out corpse. A healthy amount of citizens had gathered around it filming it with there smartphones. The heroes then landed in front of the tanker. Tre examined the tanker using special x-ray vision that acted like a UV light of sorts that could detect unseen substances. He scanned the ship inch by inch until coming across the explosion point. There was a glowing yellow residue around the edge of the explosion point. "There!" Tre pointed " It looks like yellow powder". " Interesting" Eon stated " I'll take some samples for Wolfang. "

Until then you kids are free to go. Great work team". As the heroes stepped out of the tanker they were greeted with noisy and excited people bombarding them with photography flashes and items for autograph purposes. Also they were greeted by the fastest rising reporter, Gail Weathers!

Gail was a cutthroat reporter for the TV news show known as "Sareen Tonight!" who would stop at nothing to get a juicy story, regardless of how many lives might she ruin in the process. Gail began to speak to a tv news crewman holding a tv camera that was LIVE and that apparently filmed the whole mission.

" Ladies and Gentleman, I'm Gail Weathers here with a breaking developing story. The tanker that had exploded in flames earlier has been extinguished! I am on the scene with the one and only Captain Eon who is with a group of apparent young kids!" The Kids seemed at a loss as the bright flashes seemed to erase there words. Gail then spoke "Captain Eon! How does it feel to be a hero yet again"? she then directed her questions to the Kids " Who are these seven heroes.? There just kids." she stated as if the world hadn't seen a young superhero before.

Geo,who seemed to like the cameras, answered " My name is Geo Spark! The fastest kid in the west! These are my pals Victor, Tre, K.S, Pan, Gaia and Hour Jr. WE'RE YOUNG FREEDOM"!!! Gail turned to the camera and repeated "YOUNG FREEDOM"! She then turned back to Geo " Where do you amazing kids come from?" But before Geo could utter another word, Eon interrupted him " Sorry Miss Weathers, but that's enough questions for today." The team then either flew or sped off as the citizens voiced there displeasure and disappointment at the teams departure. They would return home.

About an hour has passed before Wolfang chimed in on the screen communicator in the main room of Freedom Manor with the results of the samples that Eon had gathered from the wrecked tanker ship. " Okay team. I've got the results." he said as the team gathered around. For a moment Wolfang was silent, he was obviously troubled by something. "Yes? What are they?" Victor asked " What are the results"?

Wolfang then re-focused and spoke again " They're stone artifacts known as "RuneStones". Kid Spore then asked "What are Runestones"? "They're from our destroyed planet Vegeta" Pandora spoke suddenly while sitting on the couch. She then stood. " They're artifacts that are generated when a saiyan baby is born." Her teammates looked at her with puzzled looks. She then sighed and continued to speak " When a saiyan boy or girl is born, an artifact is created with either our symbol for Wind, Fire, Thunder, or Water. It's like the earth's zodiac but it has no basis in months or days. Its purely random. When a saiyan gets the artifact it was said that they could control the element in which they were paired up with as time went on. Saiyans who became warriors had a greater chance of controlling the elements. Which is why Wolfang can control thunder and was chosen as the next thunder god".

"What we need to do is continue to investigate why my element was on the ship when it exploded." Wolfang said. " I'll keep you all posted. Wolfang out."

Time had passed. It was now 5 till 8:00. The Kids, who had the rest of night off provided that no emergencies arise, had headed down to the hottest night club in town, known as "Pisces". Wolfang never admitted it but he genuinely cared for the kids. He had watched over them since they were all born. He wanted them, despite being superheroes, to have as much a normal social life as possible.

They entered the rave as a DJ played energetic dance music onto a populated dance floor that had a checkered pattern with L.E.D lights that flashed random colors. Victor could barely believe his eyes at the energy confined in the building. He, after all, had never seen the world outside of Ireland or his old home much less. The Kids made there way into the floor and started to get into the music. Hour was the only one not to join. "COME ON. DANCE WITH US." Gaia shouted over the music. As the music track ended, he then spoke "Dancing is pointless. It serves no purpose whatsoever." he then walked to the nearest table and sat and took out his spell book and studied it. Gaia shrugged and went on dancing. The kids were obviously having the time of there life.

All until a giant explosion shattered the glass sky roof. The set was destroyed as everyone was sent back by the force of the blast. Out of the smoke, appeared soldiers clad in black armor with power level sensor headsets on there head. They propelled down to the floor as the heroes gained there wits about them. As people rapidly ran through the emergency exit screaming the kids lay semi concious under a mass of rubble. As more soldiers propelled down from the ceiling the door blew open. Out of the smoke walked a short stout grey skinned man with two soldiers at his side that seemed to be higher in rank than the others. The man was Genghis Khan the 400th, a mercenary!

" GREAT ENTRANCE IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF!" he shouted with glee " Barros hand me the bomb." An orange alien that seemed to be aquatic in nature complied and handed it to Khan. " Lets see if Captain Eon can get rid of this fire or not". He, after placing the bomb pulled out a Runestone! The kids were, while still under the rubble, now concious. Victor watched as he placed the runestone next to the bomb. " That's a runestone!!!" he thought to himself. It was now obvious that Khan was behind the ship explosion earlier in the day.

As Khan set the artifact down on the table, They Kids blasted the rubble away and off of them. " What is this?" Khan stated with a puzzled face. " You were behind the ship explosion!" Victor yelled. Khan responded " How in the hell did...Arghh no matter. Soldiers get them!". The men charged as the kids fought them off with ease. "Interesting." Khan said " You youngling's seem to be no normal kids. Lets see you get by with these to. BARROS, ZARHUEL, ATTACK THEM"! The two henchmen then charged! As they went towards the kids, they used there respective powers this time. Both Barros and Zarhuel were sent flying back crashing through the wall. "GAHHHHHH, That's just great!" Khan outburst " More heroes to worry about. Oh well you brats seemed to do well against my henchman but I think you'll find me a different matter entirely." He pulled out a sword and rushed towards the kids.

They were now engaged in combat. As he rushed towards the kids Tre and Victor leaped up and tackled him. Victor who had actually successfully kept a hold of Khan threw a punch. It connected, sending Khan crashing into the bar station. Dazed and confused Khan sat up but was unable to conjure up his wits before Gaia placed her hands on the ground. The ground began to shake furiously and a huge chunk of earth was unleashed! She effortlessly twisted and contorted the mass and sent it flying! It then wrapped around Khan like a snake thus immobilizing him.

It was finished. Young Freedom had gained there first victory against a super villain! All of a sudden Captain Eon flew through the hole in the ceiling. As he landed he exclaimed in pleasure " WELL I'LL BE A MONKEYS UNCLE!!! YOU KIDS DID MARVELOUS!!!" he walked swiftly over to the kids and put his hand on Tre's shoulder " You kids are awesome. Great job Tre El. I'm just sorry I couldn't have made it sooner". Khan then spoke weakly " Tre El? Why your Maverick Boy! Your Maverick Man's son"! Tre El looked at Khan. Khan continued" HA I should have known. Your just like your father".

At that instance, Tre had knocked Eon's hand off his shoulder and lunged powerfully at Khan. He swept him up and slammed Khan against the wall. "LISTEN ASSHOLE!!!!!! I AM NOTHING LIKE MY FATHER!!!!!" Tre was seething tremendously " I AM TEN TIMES THE MAN HE IS!!!" he began punching Khan mercilessly exclaiming as he did it " DO.....YOU......UNDERSTAND"?!?!?!?!? Tre wouldn't stop his assault. So much so that many of the other teammates including Eon had to restrain him. "TRE LET OFF!" Eon yelled while Tre continued to scream and lunge at Khan.

Once Victor, Geo and Marty had a secure grip of Tre, Eon let go he then flew swiftly towards and picked the heap of Khan up. " Listen. Khan. You need to tell me who hired you." Either Khan was to delirious or he could take a beating but he slowly shook his head signaling "No". Eon's patience had run out as Tre continued to scream viciously "Listen bud I'm trying to save you! Me and the others are the only ones keeping Tre from coming over and ripping you a new one!" Eon grabbed Khan's head and guided it to the sight of Tre. He was red and every imaginable vein was protruding from him. Once again Eon asked once more this time with conviction. " Now tell me who hired you!" Khan had mustered up some words " He told me his name was Korr K'anzz. Now please don't feed me to that kid! He's unstable!"

Eon then brought Khan out to a police car that had arrived on the scene as Tre screamed "I'LL SHOW YOU UNSTABLE!!!!!!!" Once Khan was in the police car. Eon turned back to the kids, who still restrained Tre although he was no longer lunging and screaming but rather he was glaring at Khan. " Get Tre back to the manor" he said softly. As the kids went off, cutthroat reporter Gail Weathers had arrived. "Eon!" she said as she walked up to him, they were LIVE " You defeated Khan! Tell the folks at home what happened"! Eon sighed a breathe of relief and turned his head to Gail " Miss Weathers? You don't wanna know." He then flew off as well. Leaving the chaos behind him.

EXTRA: Tre pours his heart out

Back at the mansion, Tre had not calmed down. Eon had only entered the door for a second before Tre took his fist and swung it downward, hitting the black marble dining table with such force it had cracked and split the table in two! He then slowly made his way outside to the balcony overseeing the glowing coastal town. The stunned team members looked on in shock. "I'll go talk to him." Eon said but Gaia intercepted him. "I think it would be better if I talked to him". Eon nodded.

Gaia went outside towards Tre who was sitting on the outside of the balcony railing. "Tre!" she started to say but was interrupted by Tre " I hate him." he said in defeatist tone. Gaia made her way towards him and joined him on the balcony railing. "Tre why do you hate your Father"? she asked. Tre looked at her with sharp eyes and answered "Gaia, he abandoned me." Gaia was silent as he continued " He was never in my life. He doesn't think of me as his son". Tre raised his voice a little " I mean Christ; he never even said "I love you". Wolfang has been more of a father figure then he ever was or is." Tre then buried his head in his arms as his body posture shrunk.

Gaia put her hand on Tre's shoulder. "Tre. If your father was too high and mighty to acknowledge how much of a great, sensitive, good person you are. Then forget him. You aren't alone anymore. We are a family now." Tre lifted his head up as Gaia continued "Wolfang has fathered all of us." Gaia said very passionately. then she repeated " We're a Family."

Tre's body stance had returned to normal. His tense muscles had decompressed. He was calm again. "Gaia...Thank You." he said. Gaia smiled as they both walked back in the mansion.

"I'm okay now." Tre said " Sorry about the table". Eon replied, laughing a little "No sweat Kid, I had Vic and Hour make a new one."

Over time Tre had grown accustomed to being referred to as 'Maverick Man's son' granted he still didn't like it and still was irked by it, he was now able to deal with it. He took it as motivation to be a better superhero then his father was. He was well.

EXTRA: Rebuilding Pisces

After the battle at the Pisces nightclub that resulted in its destruction. The team aided in the clean up effort that was promoted on TV shows,commercials,billboards and the internet with a big header that said "CLEAN UP PISCES"! As the club was being rebuilt, the team met the owner.

Natalya Irvine was a blonde haired heiress who was barely older than Tre. She was a beautiful and brilliant businesswoman. To thank the team for helping with the effort and for saving the club from further destruction the other night,she offered them free access to the club for life.

Many people had turned out not only to clean up the prosperous night club buy also raise money for the current Freedom League's reclamation project that was meant to house rogue heroes, adult and kid alike, who were interested in joining the league.

Many heroes were potential league recruits , including, Ant Man, who had body shrinking abilities, Silver Cat, who Wolfang had saved from her father, Mysterio,an arch enemy of Spiderman, a while back and Big Bertha, a warrior from the planet 'THE END'.

The cleanup had gone well and vast sums had been raised. For a while Sareen Coast and the team had enjoyed relatively normal days. Unfortunately that wouldn't last long.

EXTRA: Enter The Secret Society

The lights suddenly turned on. At first their eyes hurt for being in the dark so long but they were awake now. One by One they stepped out of their pods. A screen was evident in the middle of the room that had a Bronze masked figure on it. " I'm glad you are all awake." he said in a hoarse voice. The man was called Gamble but his criminal record listed him as Codename: Gamble. The seven individuals that stood before him were ordered to state there names in a role call. Jaar El( a clone of Tre El), Luster Core ( Member of the Sinestro Corps), Blotch, Wrekkage, Uproot, Shockwave and Light stood before there leader. They were sent out with one mission and one mission only. Destroy Young Freedom!

The Secret Society would have many battles with the kids of Young Freedom,much of which would end with no clear winner. What was evident however was the bitter feelings between the two groups.

There first battle took place at the newly renovated and repaired Pisces nightclub. The prosperous spot would take much abuse from supervillains while Young Freedom was in town. The Kids however were always available and willing, along with the closely knit citizens of Sareen Coast, to clean up after there mess. The aftermath of there heavily televised battle at the club had resulted in both groups being injured tremendously, so much so in fact that both had to retreat.

The Secret Society would be a constant thorn in Y.F's side for a long time.

EXTRA: The Sagittarius Spectrum

Victor couldn't be controlled! He was in a frenzy! As his friends tried to control him he continued to go berserk knocking down lamps, books and other items off the shelf from flipping around like a monkey. Their newly assembled 4 ft. robot name C18 had followed the commotion saying "Let me help! Can I be of assistance"? Victor had continued his uncontrollable rampage until a well positioned punch by Tre sent him reeling onto the floor. Hour had then cast a pretty sophisticated shield around Victor that impeded any attempt to escape. Once Victor came to a little he began thrashing on the cast prison attempting to escape to no avail.

The Kids sat down in random places exhausted from the chaos. Wolfang had then appeared on the screen. The Kids attempted to fill him on the chaos but he said "He isn't the only one going berserk. Turn on the TV. Marty, who was nearest, complied and turned it on. The TV flashed and unveiled the Channel 13 News. " Ladies and Gentlemen, if you are just joining us, the whole campus of Sareen University all the way to 4th Street is in bedlam!" The were airing footage of the chaos LIVE, the female news reporter continued " Random people seem to be rioting and destroying everything in sight." she then turned to her male counterpart at the news desk, He then started to speak "We are not certain as this time, the details of why the citizens are rioting. Citizens in the riot area are advised to not step outside for any reason. And, if possible to board up their houses.

The TV then shut off. "This is no riot." Wolfang said " Something is making them.." he then looked at Victor who continued to thrash on the prison and looked back at the kids " and Victor fall into an seemingly unstoppable rage". The Kids were sent to investigate the reasons behind the destruction while Victor stayed behind. The heroes split up, each asking various persons not affected by the strange phenomenon. Upon further investigation a shocking similarity was discovered concerning the affected parties including Victor. They all had birthdays from the 22nd of November to the 21st of December! They all had the astrological sign known as Sagittarius!

Upon further investigation Young Freedom learned that the mad wizard Merlin was behind the chaos. They had also discovered, upon returning to Freedom Manor,that the inside of their home had been damaged and ransacked. Victor had also been kidnapped. C18 was damaged and rendered nonoperational. This had become personal.

EXTRA:The Sagittarius Spectrum: Meeting The Young Bucks and Olympus

It was time for action! Gaia,Pandora,Geo,Tre, Hour,and K.S had rallied at the Freedoms League's Base. They would need additional help with the mission. There they met new allies! The Young Bucks were made up of three male superheroes, Minotaurboy who was half minotaur and half boy. Hotspot who could engulf himself in flames and last but not least, J'kore M'najj who's earth alias was Jupiter Boy, he was a martian refuge from the planet Jupiter. Despite being a three member team, The Young Bucks were very capable superheroes. They also met the team of Olympus! Olympus consisted of the offspring of the Greek gods and goddesses.

Luka was the son of Wolfangs ally Mist. Luka could also control the element of Wind and would be called The Wind Herder

Nemo was the son of the God of the Ocean known as Poseidon. He could, of course breathe underwater. In addition Nemo could also rearrange is cellular structure effortlessly. Thus he could adapt to mostly any environment! He also was blessed with amazing speed and agility.

Mano was Aries's, God of war's,daughter. Although she did not share his lust for war. She instead used her inherited need to not be bored for the cause of justice.

And finally the Daughter of Athena, Rachel and the Legendary boy known as Hercules, who was Zeus's son.

EXTRA: The Sagittarius Spectrum: We must rescue Victor!

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Once the teams had rallied they were sent out by the adults who had intercepted an energy signal that had been sent by an unknown device. The signal originated from an abandoned power plant about 300 miles from Sareen Coast. When they had arrived there was a complex evident with gray cobblestones and a barbed wire fence about 30 ft. in diameter. The kids landed and were greeted immediately by unmanned glowing blue cyborgs that were donned with the sign of Sagittarius.

The battle had begun! Many of the warriors fought the cyborgs on the grounds while only Gaia, Tre, Hotspot, Luka, and Nemo had managed to evade the battle and make there way in the plant to uncover the device causing the destruction and more importantly to rescue Victor.

They made there way down the plant's corridor, twisting and turning down the maze of hallways until they reached the main room. They each gazed at the activity. A machine was jetting energy upwards into the plants open sunroof and out into the atmosphere. It was the machine that caused all the destruction! In addition, 8 pods were present with young adults inside including one Victor Hood. They were having life energy drained from them in order to fuel the machine!

Angered and outraged at the sight of there friend Victor in agony, Gaia and Tre bolted out first while the others followed in tow. The battle inside the plant had begun. As the kids went towards Victors pod in order to free him. Nemo went for the machine dodging and combating several cyborgs as he did it. He finally reached the machine and put his hand on it. He then changed his cell structure to match the machines exact density and thus was able to merge with the machine! He finally worked to destroy it from the inside!

The machine sparked and sputtered as Nemo cut through the inside. The ray of blue energy jetting to the sky had discontinued and when it was destroyed Nemo had freed himself from the broken machine. The pods as a result dissipated and the captives were free!

It was done. But the cyborgs still had to be dealt with. As the pods flickered, they were unable to hold the captives any longer and they were no longer controlled. Victor fell to his knees, dizzy and confused and partly unaware of his actions. He gritted his teeth and uttered "Bastards!" he looked up at his friends engaged in combat. He unbelievably was able to stand up despite being weakened, and drew his bow and arrow. Every muscle of his was revving to join. He hadn't felt anger like this since his parents were killed so many years ago. He took only a few seconds to compose himself before he leaped into the fray screaming as he did.

Once the kids had cut down every cyborg. They tended to the weakened citizens and rejoined there comrades outside. The mastermind Merlin was unaccounted for and his whereabouts remained unknown. Once they had reunited and the local police force arrived to look after the citizens, they flew off home!

Unfortunately things would get worse while they were absent.

EXTRA:The Sagittarius Spectrum: The Fabulous Fatal's/ Pisces vs. Sagittarius

As they kids came across their home it was now completely in anarchy. Buildings were on fire. Cars were overturned. People were fighting with each other! As the teams landed they proceeded to break the fighting up. This didn't make any sense to them. The machine that was causing the commotion was destroyed, or so they thought. Victor stood among'st the destruction. He sensed something was wrong. He surveyed his surrounding's and his gaze was drawn to an enormous ship in the sky that resembled a pirate ship. The ship seemed to be made out of crystal and sparkled beautifully in the bright sun. The ship had the same blue ray coming from of the ship deck but this time it was accompanied by a pink ray as well!

The rays both dispersed in to the sky and fell back down in a dome pattern creating a blueish/pinkish mist that surrounded Sareen Coast. "Up there!!!!!" Victor shouted and pointed. The rest of the team looked up to the sky ship. Young Freedom then flew up towards the ship as The Young Bucks and Olympus worked to separate the combative citizens.

Once on the ship. Merlin was noticeable at the bow. He turned to the kids and sent the labored cyborgs towards them. This time in addition to the blue cyborgs from before there were pink cyborgs as well with the Pisces symbol on them. Victor turned his gaze to the respective machines and saw that the pink machine had the Pisces symbol as well. "My God." he said out loud without meaning to. The rest of the team had learned as well the reason for all of this. The citizens who were a Pisces by birth were being affected as well. What was worse was that they were being driven to fight all the Sagittarius's! It was quite obviously meant to resemble a war.

The pink and blue cyborgs leapt at the kids and were met with swift fists and weapons. Merlin then flew towards the kids hoping to get a cheap shot on at least one kid. Victor, however was able to sense it and once he destroyed a cyborg ran to combat Merlin. The battle between them was indeed impressive. They matched blow for blow seamlessly. After a display of hand to hand combat, Victor had gained the upper hand and threw a hard punch to Merlin's cheekbone sending him reeling off the ship into the coastal ocean below. Once he was disposed off Victor yelled to his teammates " WE HAVE TO DESTROY THE CANNONS"!!! Gaia responded " I've got this!" she then, after destroying her respective cyborg enemy, pointed her hand towards the machines. Not even a second had passed before pebbles, all from an unknown location began to fly in the direction that her hand was pointing. The pebbles struck the two machines in a rapid fire manner damaging them but it wasn't enough to destroy them completely.

Meanwhile down on the ground, it was getting dire as Cyborg reinforcements had appeared out of nowhere, and overwhelmed the kids and their allies. At least 50 of them ran towards The Young Bucks and Olympus but were destroyed by a golden lasso!

5 Girls had appeared! All of which were in the same age group as the others. They all dived towards the other cyborgs immediately flanking them. The additional support gave Young Freedom enough time to dispose of the machines properly. Once that was done they all bailed from the empty ship. Once on the ground Pandora took the initiative and conjured up an energy blast and hurled it towards the ship which shattered it on contact! The crystal shards fell onto the coastal city like snowflakes. The affected people had returned to normal and the blueish pinkish mist that was veiled over the city began to disappear.

As the kids gathered to greet there impressive new allies, one of them spoke " Hello friends"! The other females parted as a small and petite girl walked down the middle. She had short brown hair, butterfly wings and glowing blue neon skin. she continued "Glad to be of service. My name is Pisces! And we're The Fabulous Fatal's. Geo then asked "Pisces?". Young Freedom had recognized her voice and demeanor. Tre added his own question "Who are you really?"

Pisces then answered " Oh excuse me. I never remain in this form after the mission is done." she then reverted to here human form revealing her identity. She was Nataila Irvine, the owner of the Pisces Nightclub!

EXTRA: Hansel and Gretel

The kids stood in shock. "Well don't act so surprised guys." Natalia chuckled. She proceeded towards Victor and embraced him and spoke " How you doing Vic? It's been a while." Victor started embracing her back and spoke "Natie! I cant't believe it's..." but was unable to finish his sentence due to shock. Natalia then spoke " Oh! You guys have got to meet my friends!" And one by they did.

Amazon Girl (Daughter of and original member of the Freedom League known as Amazon Woman)

Mighty Molly (A Meta Human)

Rumble ( A girl who could emit supersonic attack waves at will)

And lastly stood Inquisitive (A very smart girl. Very verbose, intelligent and who had constant craving for knowledge.)During the upcoming Summer break Natalia filled the kids in on how she had obtained her powers and how long she wielded them.

It was now the beginning of Summer break. The town, thankfully, had very little incidents arise that required the kids attention. Young Freedom was, as a result, able to enjoy nights at the amusement park on the boardwalk, concerts of their favorite band "Ker-Sploosh" and nights at Pisces.

It wasn't until the end of summer break that a threat finally surfaced. The threat was known as "The Queen of Fables".

A portal that linked her world to the city of Sareen Coast had appeared out of the blue sky. She had created two Meta Humanoids that she would refer to as "her children". They were named Hansel and Gretel but unlike the ones in the fairy tales, the twins had white skin, red eyes and freakishly strong.

The Queen had set the twins loose on the coastal city to wreak as much havoc as desired. The destruction the twins caused was all just and entertaining game to them. Once Young Freedom learned about the situation they were dispatched to deal with it twins sick destruction. They flew off to meet the twins who were causing chaos on the cities bridge that resembled the Golden Gate Bridge. Unwittingly however, the kids would be falling right into the Queens trap. As the kids attempted to engage the twins on the bridge, the Queens portal reemerged and sucked Young Freedom in! The twins were know free to cause as much havoc as they desired.

The kids were transported to a bizarre, fairy tale like realm with floating housed, purple plants and trees and a crimson red sun that was 20 times bigger then the earths sun. Even weirder was that the kids were no longer in their league apparel. Instead they were made to resemble fictional characters from various fairy tales. Victor was clad as Robin Hood, Tre resembled Jack from "Jack and the Beanstalk", Gaia was dressed as Cinderella and in contrast Pan was clad as Snow White. Hour and Marty were donned as Knights and Geo was dressed as Pinocchio, much to his embarrassment. Even worse there respective powers and abilities were rendered useless.

They were forced to go through dark forest's, swamps, dungeons and many more hazards in order to get to the Queens castle, in which she had a portal that could transport them home! They made their way up through the castle and into the Queens throne room. Sitting at the throne, she sent numerous grotesque minions towards the kids. The kids who were unable to use their powers were forced to use various weapons that they had obtained during the deadly quest. They fought valiantly but it was no use. The Queen was endlessly creating the minions as the older minions were destroyed. The kids could not keep this up for long.

Just as all hope seemed lost, lightning bolts had began to strike inside the throne room, dazzling the stampeding minions, revealing Wolfang and his allies Mist,Adam,Sareena,Fang, Jin and the Namekian known as Nail. Enter the Shadow Fighters!

As Wolfang walked towards the Queen, his allies each grabbed the kids and were transported by lightning through the portal back into there own dimension. Once the kids were rescued, Wolfang spoke " Its time to destroy this wicked realm". The Queen stood up from her throne and angrily shouted " YOU WOULDN'T DARE!!!" and with a wave of her hand she sent the minions towards Wolfang.

He didn't bother lifting a finger. Instead he sent the electricity that crackled off of his body towards the minions in which zapped them which destroyed them instantly. Once they were disposed off he planted his feet and prepared to do something he had not done in a long, long time. He was about to go Super Saiyan!

He let out a tremendous battle cry as he began to power up. His Super Saiyan form was indeed different than his fellow sayians, alive or dead. His short blonde hair grew extremely long and started to generate electricity just like the rest of his body and his blue aura grew much more intense. His power level in his normal form was near infinite. Any attempt to sense his powers with a power sensor like those on his native planet resulted in them exploding.

His blue aura was flashing violently as he walked forward. Suddenly the roof ripped of the dismal castle up into the air and lay suspended. In addition, everything that was planted in the ground was ripped from its roots including the Queen. As all this was happening the sky began to crack and pieces began to fall to the ground. Wolfang was destroying the entire dimension! He then drew everything in, plants, buildings, the Queen, and the very fabric of the dimension itself, and thus absorbed until everything was gone. Wolfang took a deep breathe in and and rose arms out to his side. He then screamed, and then began to flash. As the flashes became more rapid he began to implode on himself. Once he did everything was black. The portal then closed leaving nothing but empty space as the kids looked on from the other side.

"Wolfang!" Victor screamed. He ran towards where the portal had disappeared but was held back by Fang. As Victor screamed and screamed Fang spoke, while trying to calm Victor "Victor calm down! He's fine! He isn't dead!" Just as Fang said that a lightning bolt struck; and out of it came Wolfang! The kids ran towards him elated at the sight of their mentor. Wolfang was completely unharmed. But that was because he, of course, was immortal.

EXTRA: Jolly

Billy was annoyed; it was his turn to do the weekly errands. He loathed doing anything that involved serious work, besides being a super hero of course. He quite enjoyed that; but the errands were pointless to him. "We're superheroes! People should do our errands for us. We should have a butler." is what he always said when confronted with the weekly chores.

Nonetheless he ventured out to complete the tasks, fearing his roommates reaction, should he not complete them. One by one he completed a few on the long list. Soon he grew impatient however, this, to him, was no way to spend a Saturday morning. He decided to start to run in an attempt to get from point A to point B faster. He started to jog which swiftly turned into a run which in turn, turned into a full out sprint. As soon as he got done with the pointless errands, he could finally sit back on the sofa and watch Saturday morning cartoons. As he continued his dash at super speed, he felt strange. He felt like his whole DNA structure was shifting. His boots began to leave the ground. He came to a realization that he was going to fast! So fast in fact that he couldn't stop. He was in a endless speed loop.

He then broke the speed of sound and ran through a rip in the dimension and was gone. His departure set all the cars alarms off. He lay suspended in a strange place that wasn't his world or a different dimension. It was in between! It was indeed a world without gravity. Billy tried getting a footing on the ground, as the groceries and laundry floated, suspended in the air. After many attempts he finally got a firm footing on the ground. He walked endlessly calling for help, but the realm seemed baron.

Two hours into traveling around the realm a red flash flew out at Billy, he stumbled back and fell. A fuzzy red creature had latched itself to Billy's face and was squealing in terror! Billy pried the creature off his face. He looked at it and it looked at him with its blue eyes which were full of tears. Suddenly about three or four figures appeared. They were Paradox Reapers! Which meant that Billy was in the Paradox Wave! One of them spoke " Human you are in possession of a criminal that has committed high treason against our King. Hand him over immediately or face annihilation! Billy was surrounded; he looked down at the fuzzy creature; the creature looked at Billy trembling tremendously with tears still in its eyes. Billy didn't know what it was about the creature that led him to believe this but he simply refused to believe a little thing like that could commit any crime.

He then proceeded to mock the reapers " Yeah like I'll believe you bullies!" he said as he stuck out his tongue "I suggest you smelly reapers make friends with deodorant."

The reaper responded " Insolent human! You will be charged for harboring this being! You are under arrest"! Billy taunted yet again as he ran towards the reaper " JUST TRY IT!" He landed a hit on the reaper, sending him stumbling back. While the other two reapers began to engage Billy, the red creature hid in an ruined house.

The battle was eventful but Billy emerged triumphant as the reapers lay motionless on the ground. Not a moment before the battle was won, a hole began to open revealing his teammate Victor! A machine that Marty had built had allowed them to gain access temporarily to worlds such as the Paradox Wave. "Billy!" Victor shouted to Billy. Billy looked at him "Vic! Boy I'm I glad to see you." He began to walk to Vic before he stopped. The red creature jumped out and latched itself to Billy again. This time it would not let go. "Aw I see so you wanna come with us? Sounds good to me bud." Billy said as he held the creature in its hand. It was no longer crying. Once Billy stepped back into his own realm.

The kids began to crowd around the creature, touching it in awe. Meanwhile Billy began to talk to Victor; "Thanks for rescuing me Vic." Victor humbly replied " No problem. I finally got these jokers to believe me that you were calling out for help and I wasn't hearing things." Tre then said " Yeah sorry about that Vic". Once they were home they began to show the creature around.

"I don't know a good name for him" Billy said. "I don't know "Gaia said " it seems awfully jolly." The League mates all looked up at each other and said in unison as the creature began to sniff the newly rebuilt C18 "That's his name; Jolly!

Finally C18 then spoke "So Billy Smith; Did you get the laundry"? The kids then all laughed. All was well again.

EXTRA: Cerebron unveiled

A strange magnetic storm had plagued Sareen Coast just before mid October; rendering all technical devices including computers, cell phones, televisions and others unreliable and glitchy as opposed to in-operational. Wolfang knew what was causing the storm but was reluctant to tell the kids, instead opting to send them on another mission. The kids were naturally curious concerning the cause of the storm but Wolfang would not comply. Then Tre, who over the last several months with the team, had become much more outspoken persuaded Wolfang to fill them in.

The threat was named Cerebron. Cerebron was a very powerful enemy that Wolfang had countless battles with. He was a near immortal cybernetic being that could live as long as technology did as well. Cerebron first appeared to Wolfang in order to avenge his brother Centauro's death at Fang's hand, who was a mere 15 year old at the time, many many decades ago. Cerebron never had a single form or identity as a result of absorbing a Thunder and Ice Runestone. His most powerful transformation had occurred when he fought against Wolfang and Adam. Adam was able to shrink down and enter Cerebron's body in an unsuccessful attempt to find a way to destroy him from the inside,as he did this, Wolfang fought him from the outside.

Adam had finally made his way to Cerebron's brain and had destroyed a single memory gland that hung down thinking that it controlled his brain functions. But it didn't it instead was a control function. What it was able to control made Cerebron much more powerful and once it perished, destroyed any reason, ration and sanity that he might have had.

Once outside, Adam and Wolfang watched Cerebron change into a kid! Now known as Baby Cerebron. The ensuing battle saw Baby defeated but at the cost of Adams arm, which was eventually regenerated. Wolfang was gravely injured as well. He was able to regenerate any severed body part thanks to a technique he had learned from Piccolo, without sacrificing power. And now, Cerebron was once again planning to invade earth. The Government had set many military installations as did The Freedom League in preparation for Cerebron's arrival.

EXTRA: Divination: Church Bells

In August, a particular rainy and stormy month, there began to be instances of petty criminals being apprehended for the police. But not by the hands of Young Freedom. Also each of the captured criminals had the word 'Saved' etched into their foreheads with an eerie precision. Young Freedom and The Young Bucks would keep an eye out for anymore instances of the culprit or culprits brand of justice. But little did they know that they would be contacted first.

Upon their return to the manor, they found an arrow stuck into one of the living room pillars across from the patio window. The arrow had a note tied to it. Victor unwrapped the note and repeated what it said to his friends "If you value justice as much as we do then come to the church of 'Our Lady Prophecy' at Midnight. We will be waiting."

EXTRA: Divination: The Chosen

EXTRA: Divination: Shaky Allies

EXTRA: Collab with the Animorphs: Butting Heads

As the days grew into weeks, and the weeks grew into months. Tre had begun to emerge as leader of the group, as Wolfang was busy preparing for Cerebron. Keep in mind that Wolfang was still commander and boss, but he seldom made appearances on the communicator.

Tre as a result stepped up as the leader of Young Freedom. As they were led into many missions such as rescue missions and battles with super villains, Tre grew more abrasive with his friends as well as harsh, upsetting his teammates, and many of their young allies.

Of course,they kept silent as the mission was more important to them then their petty annoyances. But as time progressed, Tre's behavior became to much for Victor.

He was the complete opposite of Tre, as it would take a lot to get him angry and he would often keep things bottled inside as he had difficulties explaining things in the right way.

Tre on the other hand would go off at the slightest touch. Victor could handle almost anything thrown at him, however he found it more difficult when he would be criticized for doing something wrong when he felt, and in fact knew that was the right way.

Everything fell apart on a serious mission in which suicide bombers had seized a attorneys office. Victor foolishly ignored the severity of the mission and felt it necessary to ignore Tre's orders.

Tre then walked in front of Victor and put his finger to Vic's forehead and jabbed him with his finger saying " You need to listen to me, stupid. I AM the leader"! It's true that Victor could take a lot but he could not and would not take anyone putting his hands on him.

He knocked Tre's finger away hardly and pushed Tre back saying " DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!!!" Tre smirked as he leaped at Victor. As the vicious fist fight between them ensued, the rest of the kids worked feverishly to separate them leaving no time to diffuse the bomb!

The bomb exploded, killing 13 people in the office and sending the kids flying through the windows. Back at the mansion things were being demolished as they continued fighting.

Then lightning struck revealing Wolfang! He walked intensely towards Victor and Tre and was able to separate them with his sheer willpower sending them back hard against a separate wall where they both were pinned helplessly.

Tre and Victor and indeed the rest of the kids would have to explain why 13 people were dead. It was not a pleasant night for them that night at Freedom Manor.

EXTRA: Collab with the Animorphs: Trust Mission

The day was young again as everyone was eating breakfast. It was silent however which wasn't normal, the kids hardly got any sleep as Wolfang unleashed hell last night. They never saw their mentor that angry ever as of course Wolfang had to take time out of his preparations for Cerebron's arrival to deal with the kids petty differences.

As they ate breakfast it was still silent, you could cut the tension with a knife. Then Wolfang appeared on the screen. The kids were ordered to gather around quite bluntly. He meant business.

He relayed a mission to the kids. It involved intervening in a developing war in Brazil. The native Centaurs's known as Andalites were viciously fighting each other and were keeping a group of teens captive. This was strange as Andalites were relatively peaceful and never fought amongst themselves.

Stranger still, Wolfang said that only Victor and Tre would be intervening! The other kids got the night off. Victor couldn't believe this. He tried immensely hard not to show his displeasure. Luckily he thought better of it, not wanting to get Wolfang mad again like he was last night. He was in no mood for backtalk.

Wolfang without a moments notice transported Tre and Victor to Brazil. He sent them off with nothing but the directions of the main compound in which the teens were being held. Tre and Victor would have no communication with the league or allies. Their wristwatches were, for the time being,rendered inoperable. Wolfang was leaving them on their own!

Quite harsh thought the kids,but given the circumstances Wolfang though it not only necessary but vital because if the two couldn't complete the mission they would be struck from the league. Victor would be transported back to Ireland and Tre would be put back in the care of his adoptive parents. They would no longer be members of Young Freedom. It was quite literally a trust mission. Wolfang then disappeared by lightning leaving the two kids in the jungle.

EXTRA: Collab with the Animorphs: Coming out of it okay

The kids stood stunned for a moment at what Wolfang had told them. After a while they made their way through the dense jungle by foot. The walked separated by a couple of feet. Neither said one word to the other on their long journey.

Several hours later they arrived at the battle and witnessed the Centaurs in battle. Battle cry's and clanking weapons filled the air as Victor spoke first "How are we gonna get in there?" to which Tre replied " Easy, I'll just go out and kick their asses. I'm really pissed. I'd like to kick your ass but then I'd end up breaking you in half".

Well quite obviously there was no reason to be blunt. Tre flew off towards the Centaurs as Victor stood still behind a bush trying his hardest not to lunge at Tre. Once composed he followed.

They made there way towards the centaurs and attempted to break the fighting. A task that proved very difficult, made worse by the fact that at the slightest hint of provoking they would turn their thrashing on the kids.

The were much bigger then the kids. This wasn't going anywhere. Suddenly a swarm of Andalites came stampeding towards the kids driving them off. As they pursued, Tre flew off while he held Vic's arm. It wasn't until after much running away that the Andalites ceased their pursuit. Tre and Victor took refuge in a hollow cave.

They would then engage again, but instead of using fists they used words. Not words to hurt but words to talk things through. Another couple of hours resulted in them both finding common ground. Their league was definitely more important then their rivalry.

They discussed a plan of attack and once finished, set out to complete the mission.

EXTRA: Collab with the Animorphs: Esplin, Visser III

Jake, Cassie, Marco, Tobias, and Rachel stood captive in there dank prison cell, as they sat there Victor and Tre crashed through the door.

There were two crazed Andalite guards who charged to combat the two superheroes. This time, working together, they were able to defeat them.

They laid motionless as a a strange slug type creature squirmed out both of their respective ears. Trashing about, eventually they perished.

Victor and Tre released the other teens, but introductions would have to wait. Outside giant tankships appeared out of the skies releasing vast amounts of alien species onto the battlefield!

And on the other side of the battle more Andalites, donning special bronze armor, lined up in a battle formation.

As the kids gazed at the bronze figured Centaurs, their leader emerged in front and as he did one of the Animorphs, Jake,yelled " AX"!

The vast species of alien species met the bronze armored Centaurs at the center and engaged in battle! Jake, the unofficial leader of the Animorphs asked his teammates "Ready guys?"

Tobias responded "Always"! They then joined the fray but not before transforming into animals! Jake transformed into a Tiger, Cassie turned into a Bronco, Tobias into an Alligator, Marco into a 500 pound Bull, and Rachel into a Snow Leopard! And Tre and Victor joined as well.

The battle was indeed epic and eventful and saw the Animorphs and their allies were victorious. The Andalites's leader Ax, which was the Animorphs shortnened nickname which in full spelled Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill, spoke " Quickly humans! There is no time to waste! We must burn the Yeerks from our fallen Andalites brains."

The purging process took about half an hour. Tre burned the last Yeerk from the dead Andalite with his laser vision. Andalites, Animorphs, and Young Freedom members rendezvous'd at the middle. But as everyone was celebrating a metal sphere began descending above them.

The sphere hovered above for a moment and then projected an image of an Andalite. "Esplin!" Ax yelled.

Esplin spoke loudly " Andalites! Animorphs!" and as Esplin turned his gaze towards Victor and Tre he continued while glaring at them " and new enemies! You may have won this battle but I promise you the war is not over!!!! HAIL THE YEERK EMPIRE!!!!!" and with that the projection ceased and the sphere fell to the ground.

"If you come Eplin, Visser Three, of the Yeerk Empire. Me and my allies will be ready, and I will avenge my brothers death." Ax said.

Tre and Vic were relieved that they could finally go home. Funnily enough once the battle was over there watch communicator's started to work. Even though this wasn't the case whatsoever, Tre and Victor would as a result have a inside joke with each other that the whole battle was a test by Wolfang to get them both on the same page.

Once they said goodbye to their new friends, Tre flew off with Victor at tow. They flew nearly 1000 miles to Sareen Coast. Tre knocked at the door of Freedom Manor. As he heard a league mate inside say "Pizza's here!" he stepped back. They were home.

EXTRA: Diamondshard

EXTRA: Monsters at Bailey Middle School?

EXTRA: The Dragon King: Arrival

A bright sunny day blessed Sareen Coast as the stadium was packed to the brim as a male announcer shouted over the intercom "LADIES AND GENTLEMAN! ARE YOU READY TO WATCH SOME POWERBALL?!?!?".

The kids were in the middle of the packed crowd preparing to watch The Saint Jimmy Academy powerball team take on the Orion powerball team.

Powerball was a national sport. And SJA was Sareen Coasts amateur home team. These two schools were two of many residential schools that took in bullied and at risk young adults mainly of the Gothic clique and gave them a safe place to be themselves without having to worry about being bullied.

And just like that the first ball was thrown! But no more than two minutes into the game an explosion literally imploded half of the field as the running athletes were swept into the hole that was created in the ground. In addition the press box that was behind the crowd exploded. As the dazed citizens regained there wits about them. Several figures appeared out of one of the entryways to the field.

The kids, after regaining their wits flew down to meet the criminals. But these figures were no petty criminals. One of them, evident with silver grey hair and seniority glanced at another figure. "Trataken!" he spoke as a hideous beast that was graphed with metal blades in his forearms jumped out in front and ended in a battle stance. He was Tarkaten!

"What the hell is he supposed to be?" Billy asked with his mouth agape. "Doesn't matter!" Tre said firmly " We have to defeat this guys!" Trataken laughed and spoke "Defeat me??? You kids are puny! We have no business with you! We want your mentor Wolfang!"

Suddenly a voice could be heard from all around them " You already have me!" A strike of lightning struck! Wolfang had appeared! "Kids! I want you to leave now." he said while staring at the tarkaten. "But we can help" Victor said stubbornly.

"NO!" Wolfang yelled " You wouldn't last 15 seconds against him"! However despite being ordered to leave,none of the kids would comply.

"Its not them you have to be concerned with my old friend" said the silver haired senior. Wolfang glanced at him and spoke "Nightmare, Quan Chi smuggle you out of hell again?"

Wolfang continued " If you all want to do battle then I have no objection to killing you all for the thousandth time. So fight me, each of you, one on one."

"Very well." said Nightmare. And one by one Wolfang fought and killed Trataken, Sylvia, Enak, and Bison leaving Nightmare.

"Just you and me Nightmare" Wolfang said as he removed his arm from the chest of the deceased Sylvia. "Oh no, no my old friend." he said as he began to disintegrate " This is a trap." No life was evident in Nightmare. He was a corpse! And so were the other villains. If they were dead then how were they able to walk the earth?

Wolfang came to a sickening realization which resulted in a very human-like shudder. "No!" he muttered as he turned to the kids " Kids you need--!!!" He was unable to finish as the ground began to quake furiously and began to split! A giant castle had emerged from the ground!

A extremely loud roar sounded as the kids looked on wide eyed at the enormous castle. At the very top a bulky mass flew off from atop the castle

Omega the Dragon King landed in front of them! He then twisted his body and his scaly skin was turned to resemble human skin. He was now in his human form.

With his giant war hammer at his side and his red eyes piercing he grinned while laughing. His enormous wings transformed into a tattered red cape. Omega, who towered over the kids, was evident with a hollowed out cow skull over his face as a battle helmet.

Once his hysterical laughter stopped, the dragon king exchanged words with Wolfang. And they then prepared themselves to fight again. They were off!

Each blow was matched with a succession of "BOOM...BOOM...BOOM" sounds. The kids stood astonished at the tremendous power that both Wolfang and Omega put on display.It was becoming apparent that Wolfang was losing steadily. Trataken, Sylvia, Enak, Bison and even the deadly Nightmare were one thing but Omega was pure,unbridled evil.

Victor couldn't watch anymore. He flew off behind Omega who was about to strike with his hammer. Victor latched himself on Omega trying his best to choke the king with a headlock, probably doing no good other then to annoy Omega like a fly annoys a person with food.

Omega reached back and grabbed Vic and as he did he said " Now Now! Ants shouldn't interfere among gods." He then flung Victor over him and spiked him to the ground. Vic lay motionless.

Victors actions gave Wolfang time to use his signature technique. "WOLFANG...FIST!!!!!! Wolfang boomed loudly as he sent his fist which was crackling with electricity at Omega.

The punch was very well placed. As it made contact with Omegas face, it sent him reeling back. His helmet flew off exposing his face. As he took a moment to recover, Wolfang yelled to his Granddaughter "PAN GET VICTOR TO SAFETY NOW! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT ARGUING WITH ME! THE REST OF YOU FOLLOW HER OUT OF HERE NOW!"

"Yes grandpa" Pandora replied. She ran over to Victor, picked him up and flew off with other kids thus leaving Wolfang and Omega in the decimated powerball field.

EXTRA:The Dragon King: Aftermath

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We are live!" Gail Weathers said on Sareen Coast Tonight as the kids watched on the monitor. Victor was now conscious but breathing heavily, his ribs were broken as a result of The Dragon Kings assault. The kids continues to watch as Gail continued.

" The Thunder God Wolfang and the Dragon King are still battling." she said. Victor sat up with difficulty and watched the battle even more intensely. The battle had stretched out of and away from the ravaged powerball field and spilled out into the business district of Sareen Coast. A helicopter crew was relaying the footage throughout the town.

FLashes, booms and energy spheres jetting into the air was all the news team could capture. They would not go any closer to the action for fear of being shot down inadvertently.

As the footage progressed, two figures flew up from with in the district and flew off towards the coast and stood still for a while. Flashes followed by one figure dropping into the ocean and as it did, the other flew down into the water as well. The battle was now being waged underwater evident by the raging tidal waves that began to pound the coastline.

"BOOM......BOOM.....BOOM.....BOOM.....BOOM....BOOM" over and over and over again until suddenly it ceased. A wall of water shot up into the sky like a fountain and regressed revealing Wolfang. Lightning struck and he was gone but reappeared next to the kids!

"Grandpa!" Pandora yelled in shock. All the kids ran up to him except Victor. "What happened to Omega?" Billy asked feverishly and as Wolfang began to walk towards Victor he answered " He's dead..again." Wolfang was very short of breathe and his wounds were extremely visible.

" Whats the damage?" he said as he directed the kids gaze over to Victor. "Broken ribs sir" Hour stated " I wrapped them up and attempted to heal him!" Hour then gazed to the patio window and watched Omega fly through the window shattering it!

The kids stumbled back as Victor nearly fell off the couch from the impact. Omega was wounded heavily and blood was pouring out of his mouth, he then spoke with difficulty " YOU! Why..... can't.... I!" he said weakly" No matter how hard I try you won't die."

Wolfang said nothing as Omega as he continued. " I cant destroy you but I can destroy the ones you love." The kids quite obviously was what he meant. He began to charge towards the kids as Wolfang readied himself to intercept him.

But before the could engage again a beam of light rained down from the sky! The bright beam shot at Wolfang, he then fell to one knee as he roared. It was an indistinct roar. A dragon perhaps?

Once the blinding light ceased. Omega witnessed Wolfang standing up straight with transparent 4.ft gold dragons flying closely around him. Wolfang could hear voices in his head. The Elder Gods were here!!!

" Wolfang! Thunder God of Earth! Long have you protected the earth from the forces of evil and upheld the rules of Mortal Kombat with honor since overtaking the task from Raiden!" said one of the dragons. Earth!

" Although we cannot engage gods directly we can use you as our avatar! Quickly use our power to carry out justice!" said another dragon! Water!

" And destroy this mad king!!!!" said the last two dragons simultaneously! Wind and Soul!

" I hear you wise ones." Wolfang said aloud and prepared to destroy Omega, hopefully forever. " KA......ME.....HA.....ME....HA!!!!!!!" and thus he sent the elder gods towards Omega in an energy blast.

Omega screamed in a panic "NOOOOOOO...THIS......ISN'T....FAIR!!!!!!!" Each Elder god latched itself onto Omega destroying him bit by bit.

As Wolfang began to catch his breathe he said "Fatality."

And thus Omega's cracked and destroyed body disappeared in a ray of light from the heavens. Leaving only his damaged helmet behind.

After Omega was destroyed,the four Elder Gods stood in front of Wolfang talking to him but choosing to speak in the dead language of the Saiyans." as the kids, who could only wonder what they were speaking, looked on. Then, just like that, the dragons vanished back to the heavens.

Wolfang turned back to the kids and since they were interrupted by Omega, healed Victor despite being injured himself. And before anyone could take a breathe Victor was healed. Victor exhaled sharply as he stated " I feel better". Wolfang then departed back to his temple in the heavens. He needed to recover as well, and once he did he would become even stronger still.

But he would always take to heart what the Elder gods had told him! " Kor'intha shorrin ba leeka." which translated to "Watch over these young ones."

EXTRA: The visitor from another dimension!

It was a seemingly quiet night in Sareen Coasts upper residential district. Few cars drove past the park and only the sound of owls filled the sky.

A stray cat walked along the sidewalk but then stopped and ran off just before a time rift appeared shaking the ground. With a loud hissing sound a masked man fell through the portal, the man then stood up as the portal behind him closed. He was drenched with blood he stumbled on forward as he said "Dios mío! Por qué los dioses mayores nos Desamparados?" which was Spanish for "My God! Why have the Elder Gods foresaken us?"

It didn't take long before the media caught wind of the stranger's hysterical bawling. He was being shown on LIVE tv. Wolfang and the kids of Young Freedom witnessed this on the monitor.

Wolfang looked on wide eyed and said one word "Zorro". He then transported himself to where the man was. He stared at him and the masked man stared back and spoke in English this time "Wolfang, my old comrade" he smiled and then collapsed onto the sidewalk.

Back at the manor, the man lay on an examination table as the kids and Wolfang hovered over him. "Who is he Wolfang?" Billy asked as he attempted to touch the mans mask.

Wolfang,who swatted Billy's hand away from the mans mask, replied " His name is Jesus Rodriguez. But he is known as Zorro." Wolfang continued on with telling the kids about Zorro and who he was.

Jesus Rodriguez was originally from Spain but resided in Mexico City, Mexico where he worked as a Luchador by the name of El Zorro. Unbeknownst to the public many of the wrestlers behind close doors were given powers by the Egyptian god Ra. They were literally wrestlers by day and superheroes at night.

Zorro's eyes opened in a panic. Wolfang held him down as he said "Relax.Relax"! Zorro then settled down and closed his eyes once more, perhaps drifting to sleep again. "Jesus? You need to stay with me here" Wolfang said " Now what happened to your home?"

He then started to state letters one by one while his eyes remained closed "A-P-O-C-A..." the kids looked on as Zorro continued, his eyes opened again, but now they were wide and he extended his arm out in front of him. He seemed to be grabbing at something."...L-Y-P-S-E. Apocalypse.

Wolfangs calm and stone like demeanor had disappeared. " HE DID THIS TO YOU? HE DID?" Zorro nodded as he held his crucifix necklace close to his heart. "Wolfang! Mesias,Chessman, Atlantis, Imperio and even little Cuije are all dead. He killed them! He's coming! For you!"

Wolfang grew quiet has if all the life had drained out of him "Its okay now." he said quietly "Your safe now."

He was coming for Wolfang. Two deadly threats now plagued the earth. Over the next few months as Zorro healed from his near fatal wounds Wolfang would keep a extra sharp eye out across every temperal plane just in case Apocalypse would arrive.

EXTRA: Legalizing Same Sex Marriage

Among the many causes that Young Freedom had taken up,such as world peace and endangered species conservation, one was of particular importance to them. It being, the fair and equal treatment of the L.G.B.T citizens of Sareen Coast and indeed the world. This issue struck especially close to them. There fellow heroes and reserve members Kyle Drew A.K.A Weather Boy and Radical Ray whose real name was Ray Macchito were very much in love and were devoted lovers and were also due to get married.

They were a constant spark of pure unconditional love and were a breathe of fresh air in the league. Kyle Drew was the stepson of the weather controlling member of the X-men known as Storm. Once Kyle "came out" to her she immediately voiced her support for her son. It was all 'Don't ask, Don't tell' as far as she was concerned

In addition a new bill was being presented by the senate members that would legalize same sex marriage. This was an important bill that all of Sareen Coast was paying close attention too. The potential new bill also was the top story of all the news channels and news personalities had weighed in including Bill O, Lielly host of The O'Lielly Factor which aired on the right wing news channel known as Crockx News calling it a " Carefully planned attack on the sacrecy of marriage".

Nonetheless, the day was a Tuesday and the senate were inside the parliament. The kids,along with Kyle and Ray were in attendance among hundreds of citizens waiting for the senates ruling. The various news outlets crowded themselves along the front walkway of the seated crowd attempting to get the best angle of when the senate would come out with their decisions. When there decision would be made the smoke stack at the top of the building would exhale white smoke.

Hearts seemed wrenched as timed passed. All the news channels were live. Suddenly a suited figure was heard shouting " Look! The smokestack!" White smoke was coming out of the smokestack!

Not a sound was made as the legislative body made there way out of the elegant white door with the mayor in front. Mayor Tooney got his speech ready and looked up at the crowd who were looking intently at him. He then spoke " My fellow citizens of Sareen Coast! It is my pleasure and indeed my honor to announce in front of all of you today that the senate, after many many hours of deliberation, have voted.." he paused and looked back up at the crowd " to make same sex marriage LEGAL beginning at 12:00 midnight. The crowd erupted in deafening cheers! The kids could hardly contain there elation and joy as Kyle turned to Ray, tears streaming down his face,they both then kissed passionately! Ray then held his boyfriends head to his and stated " Finally,Finally."

Mayor Tooney had difficulty settling the energized crowd down but once everyone was calm he continued with his speech. It was 15 minutes to half and hour. It was one of of those history making moments that one would DVR to watch over and over again.

Kyle and Drew's private wedding was held on the Freedom Manor grounds in front of the mansion. Every Superhero was in attendance and dressed in white and silver. Kyle and Drew each said there vows and when the priest uttered the words " I now pronounce you a married couple. You may now kiss." They kissed, turned and were greeted by cheers almost as loud as when the announcement was made to legalized same sex marriage.

EXTRA:Family runs deep: Koji and the wayward Saiyan souls.

Wolfang had retreated back to his temple, emptying his mind of nearly everything in order to reach across each plane, across every dimension hoping for some sign, any evidence that Apocalypse had arrived while the kids dealt with everyday matters.

Wolfang continued in his mindset until he sensed something. A power surge had knocked out all the power of Sareen Coast. Was it Apocalpyse? No, Wolfang told himself. He was indeed sensing something profound however.

Something bothered him, something the mercenary Khan told Eon, who relayed the information to Wolfang. The name Korr K'anzz. " Wolfang who was no longer in his trance as, as he opened his eyes and said one name..."Koji!"

So much had gone on in the last several months that bombings had been, in a manner of speaking, swept under the rug. Koji or Korr K'annz was Wolfangs brother!

It all made sense now! The fact that runestones were being use as bombs. Koji had become a "mad" scientist that made it his mission to find some way to make a new Planet Vegeta.

In his first attempt many years ago he had kidnapped his niece Pandora, who was a mere infant at the time. He also abducted Adam's son Ace. He was attempting to drain both infants life force in order to sustain the planets mass.

As a result only one infant could be saved. Wolfang and Adam fought each other at the eastern temple of Neon Waters. Then Wolfang emerged victorious and saved Pandora while Ace sadly perished.

In his second attempt he harnessed the energy of the dead souls of the Saiyans that Adam as well although that attempt ultimately failed as well.

EXTRA:Family runs deep: The Saiyan Cyber Initiative

Wolfang sent the kids on a mission to intercept Koji's plans while he continued looking on for signs of Apocalypse's arrival. But since Koji was too strong for the kids, Adam was sent to aide the kids as well.

They came across a shipping yard leading into a factory of some sort. Upon further investigation they discovered that Koji was no longer trying to create a new Planet Vegeta. He was manufacturing Saiyan clones for a cybernetic army funded by The Blade Force! The team also came across a storage container of robotic parts and armor. The ship that was bombed earlier in the year was carrying these parts.

There it was! The main room were all the commotion was taking place as a blue and red cyborg stood guard. Once the kids stood in front of them they spoke.

"SC- LBBK-A, codename Tsunami active." chimed the blue cyborg and immediately the red cyborg spoke as well " SC-LBBK-B codename Moltrock active. Koji will be interested to know that we have intruders."

" Tsunami and Moltrock, your artificial hands shall not touch these kids! You both will have to fight me first!" Adam said with conviction.

They fought for what seemed like eternity and once the two cyborgs were disposed of they continued. The kids were charged with the task of destroying the cloning matrix's as Adam fought with Koji.

Once the matrix's were destroyed and Koji was defeated they then destroyed the clones. Not one clone survived the onslaught except for one. A newly made clone infant.

Tre readied to eliminate the clone when all of a sudden Adam spoke. "No!" he said " Not this one. This one is different." The kids looked on puzzled. Adam must have seen something the others could not.

"I will bring this infant back with me. I will raise it as my own. Now what shall I call you?" Adam said as the baby reached up and pulled on Adams hair. He would decide to name after a friend he had met a while back. " Your name little one is now Trunks. Trunks the 3rd."

EXTRA: What really happened to the Dinosaurs?

EXTRA:Apocalypse arrives: Saving Jupiter

Everyone could hardly believe what they were seeing! Jupiter was on the verge of being destroyed! Neptune, Uranus and Saturn were reduced to rubble. Cerebron was here! His giant face floated towards Jupiter as his tentacles left silver streaks behind him. His octopus like form harbored inside, Baby Cerebron and all his other forms. V1,V2 and V3 stood beside him. As he trekked his way ever so slowly towards Jupiter, The Freedom League, Young Freedom, The Shadow Fighters, Olympus, Young Bucks, Fabulous Fatal's, Animorphs and vast other groups including The New Gods watched on from the sanctuary of the floating Hero Island.

Wolfang turned to his vast in number comrades. He gave his speech as words of encouragement. They all then flew off towards Jupiter while the heroes who did not have the ability to fly or breathe in space prepared for battle on the ground alongside the U.S Military. El Zorro, who completely healed from his near fatal injuries earlier that month joined the ground troops and heroes.

Many robotic minions were dispatched out of the giant Cerebron's mouth. They intercepted the heroes at Mars. Zorro got his rapier ready at the chance Cerebron's minions made it to Earth.

Suddenly out of nowhere a black hole, visible from earth and gaping wide,appeared! Everyone stopped the battle and looked at the huge black hole in which managed to suck a few cyborg minions in it.

Wolfang looked on but noticed something. Why was the black hole not sucking up everything. The planets, hero and cyborgs alike? Why was nothing swept up in the black hole?

Wolfang then figured it out. It was no black hole! It was a dimension rift! And then it came through!

A giant mass with a grey skull on the right side crept through the rift. The skull endlessly shot out fire out of the eyes and mouth. The huge mass that was as big if not bigger than the sun nearly pulled everyone in with its huge gravitational pull. The mass was a planet!

It was the planet known as "The End". It was Apocalypses home planet!

EXTRA:Apocalypse arrives: The Invasion/ The Death of Jupiter Boy

The planet was visible from earth as a second sun of sorts which doubled as a spaceship. Just a black sun. Big Bertha, who was now an official reserve member of the Freedom League spoke "Father" she said quietly.

The End began to eclipse the sun and once it covered it, an orange slit appeared in the middle and grew wider, perhaps releasing something. Back on earth a black ring,slowly but surely began to appear around the massive planet.

The black ring was made up of paradox reapers! Large amounts of reapers remained in space and and others flew down to earth.

On Earth, the heroes fought to save earth while the villains, who poured out of a rift that leaded to Hell, sadly fought for their own agenda despite being outnumbered. Every hero and villain that Wolfang had ever fought alongside or against had been summoned.

Quan Chi, Nightmare, Bison, Corpse, Topaz, Turquoise, The Androids X Y and Z, Reign, Siegfried and many many more warriors were fighting for earths survival.

Meanwhile back in space the octopi machine brought its tentacles closer and closer to Jupiter. All of a sudden Jupiter Boy made off in a mad dash towards his home world in an attempt to save his loved ones.

As the ship began to charge a beam from its tentacles. Jupiter Boy was preparing to absorb it with his mental powers.

He floated in front of his home world as the charges were fired. It flew at him but was stopped dead in its tracks. Jupiter Boy was pushing it back with sheer telepathy. To the point of passing out. But the ray was too powerful it flew into him. He had absorbed it.

His eyes opened and he looked back at his comrades as they looked at him. He began to speak while tears began to flow from his anguished face. " Everyone, I love you, Goodbye". His eyes closed again and his metallic green skin turned a corpse like grey. He was dead.

Wolfang stood stunned and saddened as the numerous kids around flew towards Cerebron. Everyone was visibly angered and screamed as loud as they could as they tore into the ship attempting to destroy it.

EXTRA:Apocalypse arrives: The Gravest Mission

They tore into Cerebron but he was too strong. The ship manifestation swung one of its tentacles at all the kids some just narrowly avoiding the onslaught while others were knocked for a loop. No matter how much the heroes tried the ship would not be stopped.

As a slight fortune however Jupiter Boy's sacrifice had forced Cerebron to move beyond Jupiter and Mars and straight towards e Earth. Wolfang continued to fight the cyborgs until he sensed a immense and profound power level on Earth. Apocalypse!!!

He called all the kids of Young Freedom and flew back to Earth with them where they rejoined Victor, Marty and Billy on Earth who were combating Reapers and Cyborgs.

Suddenly a giant crack and a flash revealed a flashport. It cracked and sputtered and out of it came the Reaper himself. Apocalypse walked steadily out of the port. He was in black attire with white straps wrapped around it clad with red gems in the middle. His grey cracked face and black eyes drew attention away from his smirk.

" YOU!" Wolfang said in a seething manner. "Nice to see you again Ban'Sen" Apocalypse said. Wolfang had not heard his Saiyan birth name for what seemed like ages. Apocalypse was Wolfang's strongest enemy and their newest clash was about to come to fruition.

While Wolfang was about to face his greatest adversary the kids were sent back to Cerebron as he finally arrived as well. As his octopus like from hovered over Sareen Park the kids were sent to infiltrate the ship covertly in a hope to destroy him but were ordered not to proceed until Wolfang communicated with them a plan of action.

They relocated to a more wooded area as Cerebron floated several miles above them. Victor took out his bow and arrow and shot a grappling hook up towards the ship in which was able to hook onto a railing. One by one in a line they climbed up the rope onto the ship.

Meanwhile Wolfang prepared to fight Apocalypse yet again. They both charged and engaged in combat. A well placed fist sent Apocalypse flying back as he crashed through an abandoned skyscraper and into a car on the other side. As Wolfang flew over the building to the caved in car where Apocalypse lay, brilliant red laser beams shot at him, striking him as he sunk down to the ground from the impact!

Apocalypse arose his eyes still flaring from shooting the beams. Wolfang struggled to rise as Apocalypse came towards. He swung a swift fist into Wolfangs stomach. Blood and spit was coughed out as Apocalypse stuck him again, this time sending him flying back!

He finally came to a stop as he crashed through a trailer park. Apocalypse gored straight at him but Wolfang, in a sparking flash deflected Apocalypse and used his own momentum against him. As Apocalypse rose he was greeted my more fists by the thunder god!

So much in fact that Apocalypse stepped back against a trailer as Wolfang continued firing rapid fire punches into the evil god. The trailer wall cracked as Apocalypse fell through. Wolfang grabbed Apocalypse by the throat and sent him hurling at least a mile back into town where he landed in the broken fountain that was in the middle of Sareen Park. The impact created a crater.

As Apocalypse rose again and stumbled out of the crater Wolfang landed in front of him. "You done yet?" he asked. "Far from it thunder god." Apocalypse retorted as he pulled out a toothed obsidian knife. He thrust it at Wolfangs ribs but was caught.

As Wolfang lifted Apocalypses arm up he said " Oh no not this time. Listen well dark one! As long as my immortal soul draws breathe you will never ever seize this planet as your own. I think its time I let you in on a little secret. In order to ensure the continued stability of Earthrealm I have to keep my power level in constant tuning. If I don't I will end up doing what I always promised my self I will never do which is destroy this entire dimension, killing millions."

Apocalypse dropped the knife as he struggled to break free. Wolfang then grabbed his throat and lifted him up and continued. " I deliberately failed to keep myself in tune in preparation for your little invasion and while I won't destroy this dimension I can at least attempt to destroy you, once and for all." Wolfang then pressed a flashport that was attached to Apocalypse's utility belt,it began to crack and hiss as it graphed with Apocalypse.

"FOOL!' he screamed " your disturbing the stability of the port. These thing are meant to be thrown to a safe distance."YOU'LL DESTROY US BOTH!!!"

Wolfang grinned as he said " I dont think so." He then let loose and punched Apocalypse into the sky so hard that the entire Earth quaked. As he was launched into the air he imploded through the detonated flashport.

Wolfang had launched his enemy into the farthest regions of space where he hoped it would take Apocalypse a lifetime to find Earth again.

EXTRA:Apocalypse arrives: Longest Hour

They had a birds eye view of the ravaged city of Sareen Coast which more so resembled a battle zone than an actual city. "We have to stop this. This is our home! They have no right." Victor said passionately. "Agreed" stated Hour as he walked towards the metal door. His eyes closed as he placed his hand upon the door. He opened his eyes and said "The control room is through this door."

The door then opened. As they filed in one by one Victor stopped. He sensed something strange. If both Cerebron and Apocalypse were trying to conquer the Earth then why were their forces not battling each other.

"Guys somethings wrong. Getting in here was way to easy. Plus Wolfang said to wait for contact." Victor said nervously. Tre wouldn't listen however "Vic this is no time for your paranoia. We need to end this invasion and we can do this without him." The rest of his teammates seemed to agree. Tre was the leader after all.

They crept through the laughably unguarded halls of the ship and finally arrived in the main control room. It was floors were seeping red light through the floor panels as the pathway lead to Baby Cerebron sitting on his throne.

He smiling sickly, perhaps the sickest smile the kids had ever seen. " Boys and Girls, Boys and Girls. Glad you could come. I trust the Saiyan has sent you to delete me." The kids walked towards Cerebron until they reached the middle. "You will no longer destroy our home you cold robotic bastard!" Tre yelled.

"And I suppose you'll defeat me? Fool, I am infinite!" Cerebron said as he rose throwing off his cybernetic cape." You cannot delete infinity but you are welcome to try."

That was all the kids needed to hear! They flew at the cybernetic being but crashed into a transparent and indeed invisible force field. They backed as another force field appeared behind them with Hour on the other side.

EXTRA:Apocalypse arrives: The Ruinous Defeat and Disbandonment

"Hour! Whats going on?" Tre asked. "Your extinction." Cerebron said triumphantly. The kids looked back at Cerebron as Hour began to speak.

"I don't see what Wolfang saw in any of you. Did he really expect a team of rag tag young heroes to protect the Earth? HA! You all were too dumb to realize that this was a trap. Well except of course for Victor." Hour said.

"Hour. What the hell are you talking about?" Victor said. " I think an explanation is in order." Hour said " My father, I'd love him if I didn't hate the bastard, He indeed sold my soul but it wasn't to the devil. It was someone much much worse for all of you. I was sold to a teacher, a mentor, who was more of a father figure then my own biological father was. My soul was sold to Cerebron."

"NO!" Victor screamed as he pounded his fist against the force field " Your not serious! Tell me your not!!! WE'RE A FAMILY!!!!"

No one could believe what they were hearing. Victor sunk to his knees, as Tre was trying his hardest to get his hands on Hour. "I grow bored of these insignificant life forms.' Cerebron stated "Its time to delete them. The real prize is Wolfangs head!"

"Hear that? It time for you all to die!" Hour said with glee.

"Hour don't do this! I swear to god if..." Tre yelled, but was interrupted by the sound of two false walls sliding open revealing two deletion cannons.

The lights turned from a dark blood red to a soothing blue as the cannons charged. "Goodbye my friends." Hour said.

The charges were fired, striking the kids. There very DNA was being deleted! Victor rose his head as he was struck and pulled out a arrow and jammed it in the ground. It had a red L.E.D light that flashed and after 3 seconds exploded and blew a hole through the floor.

The kids fell through the exposed floor as it exploded. They then fell out of the sky and landed with a thud.

Darkness, then a voice, it became louder slowly but surely..... "Vic!....C,mon Vic answer me!" Victor awoke as Pandora was present over him. "Oh thank god!" she said with relief.

Pandora looked over to Tre who was crouched over Gaia. "Tre is Gaia okay?" she asked. Tre said nothing. "Tre??? Is she okay?" Pandora asked again.

Tre then answered finally, "No, she's gone." he had her hand in his hand. Billy, Marty and Gaia lay motionless by there teammates. They all died heroes on that day.

Victor nearly erupted in tears, as he rose, he saw his departed friends.

No one knew, or ever found out for that matter, how long Hour had been turned or how long his betrayal was planned. All that was certain were the results. Victor blamed Tre for what happened to his friends. "WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?!?!?" is what he said "WOLFANG TOLD US NOT TO GO ON WITHOUT HIM!!!".

They both were angry and about to lash out at each other while Pandora attempted to make peace. Then Wolfang appeared, visibly angered. He had sensed what had happened to the kids. While Victor stormed off to nowhere, Wolfang took a hard grasp of Tre and lifted him off, choking him. Pandora pleaded with her Grandfather to stop as Tre gasped for breathe, but he finally regained himself and let Tre back on the ground. Angered and frustrated, he stormed away as well into the distance. Young Freedom was finished and it was clear that their home could not be saved.

EXTRA:Apocalypse arrives: Saving the Kids from Hell

As Cerebron's forms began to absorb every inch of Sareen Coast. Pandora was sent,accompanied by Adam and Jin, to the dome shielded base of the Freedom League. Luckily Wolfang had consulted with one Bruce Wayne to create a fail safe portal that would detonate once every person, Hero and civilian alike and alive, had passed through it in order to ensure that no foe would be able to follow. They would rebuild in Zorro's dimension.

Wolfang would stay and once Cerebron was done absorbing everything he would destroy everything. But first he had to save his young allies. Gaia, Billy and Marty were most likely in Hellrealm as it was. Wolfang flew swiftly towards the portal leading to the realm and destroyed two Tartaken guards as he flew into the portal.

Wolfang was able to bring every loved one he lost during his many battles countless times, without the need of the Dragon Balls or Shadow Balls. This was due to a him aiding the devil himself against the devils son, Dante who tried to overthrow his father. As a result he would be able to bring back the kids as well.

Flying down the flaming silo to the devils palace, he caught a glimpse of three figures on a floating island of sorts over a vast sea of lava. Two zombie like creatures were behind them with red tridents poking at the figures. Wolfang closed his eyes and let his mind travel to where the commotion was. He saw that the figures were indeed his students and were about to be pushed into the lava. He opened his eyes and flew down, perhaps the fastest he ever flew.

He landed behind the demons as they looked at him. They rushed towards him and were swiftly knocked into the lava. The kids looked at Wolfang. Hysterically, they each tried to speak but were interrupted by a horrible voice that was all around them.

"Who dare's to disturb my sleep!" it said as the lava began to ripple and waves began to form. Then the Prince of Darkness emerged from within the lava sea. His form was gigantic and non human as his blank white eyes scanned the area of the disturbance and saw Wolfang.

"WOLFANG! What brings you to my home?" Lucifer said. "Lucifer, King of Hell. I have come for these three young ones" Wolfang said, he continued "Two of your minions were attempting to destroy them." he looked back at the kids.

" I am aware, thunder god. I gave them permission." Lucifer responded. Wolfang looked back at Lucifer, his eyes grew thin as Lucifer continued " Despite what you did for me many eons ago I intend to keep every casualty of your pathetic surface war.

Every demon was looking down at there king and Wolfang. Wolfang unsheathed his indestructible sword and lunged at Lucifer pressing the bladed part of the Shadow Sword against his throat. Wolfang spoke " Then take them!Every single one of them! But you will not claim these kids!" The demons began to howl and hiss at the sight of there king being threatened.

Lucifer struggled to speak as the blade pressed his throat. "Fine....take them. But if you do I'll consider our truce void and will no longer be able to travel freely between our two realms." Lucifer said as Wolfang eased the pressure on his throat.

Wolfang backed up as he said "Fine. Fair deal." he then flew back at the kids and spoke " Kids put your hands against my shoulder." They did as the vast demon's climbed down towards them. Wolfang then teleported with the kids leaving Hell forever.

EXTRA:Your new life starts here: Skipping through the dimensions

The destruction of the planets had caused every aspect of Earth's characteristic's to shift. Its gravity, water level, oxygen level and Carbon Monoxide level drastically changed. They plants and trees died and turned a brown color as 'The End' still remained, blocking the Sun. The waves became tidal waves which destroyed the boardwalk. Dimensional rifts began to form all around the dead city as reapers and cyborgs wandered around aimlessly.

Victor continued to walk, where he didn't care, his friends as far as he knew were dead. He didn't care where he ended up. As he walked south a volcano began to form from the ground underneath him. He fell in the crag and through one of many dimensional rifts.

EXTRA:Your new life starts here: The Super Sentai Wars

Victor emerged on a grassy hill and fell, tumbling down. He came to a stop and rose his head from the dirt. He seemed to be in secluded forest like area. He finally got up from the ground and asked himself "Where am I?"

He began to walk until he could hear battle cries and the clanking of weapons. He emerged from another hill and looked down at various red,blue,yellow,and variations of black and green clad warriors fighting against creatures with giant lobster like claws. Gold, silver and white clad warriors were also present. Victor scanned the battle's background and witnessed eastern style temples and houses. He was in rural Japan!

Victor stood in awe as he looked down at all of the warriors. He noticed first warriors fighting alongside what seemed to be vehicles. Sosuke, Renn, Saki, Hanto, Gunpei, Hiroto and Miu fought along side their engine like partners,Team Go-Ongers!

Victors eyes were then drawn up to warriors fighting in the sky! Ryu(Red Hawk), Gai(Black Condor), Raita(Yellow Owl), Kaori(White Swan), and Ako(Blue Swallow)fought there hardest in the sky, Team Jetman!

He then felt a familiar aura overcome him. He looked down again and noticed warriors who not only spewed aura but mimicked animals. Jan(Tiger), Ran(Cheetah), Retsu(Jaguar) and his brother Gou(Wolf) and also with them,Ken(Rhino) used beast like fury to pummel their foes, Team Gekirangers! And with them stood their former antagonists who were now semi-allies, Rio(Lion) and his love interest Mele(Chameleon).

He then noticed Samurai sword wielding warriors cutting there foes down. Ryunosuke, Mako, Chiaki, Kotoha, and Genta fought along side there Samurai lord,Takeru, Team Shinkenger's!

Then mythical beasts appeared on the scene, known as The Mythical Chi Beasts carrying 6 warriors respectively. Ryo (RyuuRanger) rode on top a red dragon mecha. Below, Daigo (ShishiRanger) rode a green lion mecha as his fried Shoji (TenmaRanger) rode a blue mecha that resembled Pegasus. Kazu (KirinRanger)rode atop Qilin or Kirin, an eastern mythological beast.A Phoenix was visible in the sky carrying Rin(HouHouRanger) along side her teammates. And last but not least, the young Kou (KibaRanger) rode atop a white tiger mecha.

Finally the original Sentai team was visible. Tsuyoshi(AkaRanger), Akira(AoRanger), Daita(KiRanger), Peggy(MomoRanger) and Kenji(MidoRanger) led there younger counterparts i battle.

Victor then sensed a great evil. An evil that he learned to be called the Black Cross Fuhrer and the Lobster like minions were The Black Cross Army henchmen. Victor's main concern was getting back home but he couldn't let such evil remain.

He made his way down and aided the various Sentai teams in battle. They were impressed with Victors fighting ability and gave him there blessing. Suddenly another dimensional rift appeared close to them, after all the events at Sareen Coast were far reaching.

Victor said his thanks and goodbyes as he entered the new portal, hoping to get back home.

EXTRA:Your new life starts here: The Freedom Lords

Victor came through the portal and was elated at the fact he was back at Sareen Coast! But he noticed something was different. Hovercars? Robotic police? He was in the year 2151! As he walked along the futuristic sidewalk into town he noticed some giant statues with familiar faces, faces of Billy,Gaia,Tre,Pandora,and Marty all grown up!

It wasn't the dimension or life he was used to but was elated at the prospect of seeing at least some sort of familiarity. Then a car flew past him, nearly brushing the tip of his nose, and crashed against a brick wall. The car lay upside down as two people crawled out, one was holding a dark blue bag of food. Victor turned his head and saw an adult Gaia fly towards the stunned citizens.

Victor couldn't keep himself from uttering the words "Gaia! It's me!" to which she responded "Silence! Do not interfere with FL business commoner." She then spoke to the citizens " Commoners! You are possession of FL goods. Return it now and prepare for sentencing."

The elder spoke first "Lord Dominance, my apologies, me and my son here are desperate for food. Please just let us have a little." Gaia then mentally uprooted a chunk of asphalt and spoke " Resorting to common thievery is punishable by death, commoner! Prepare for your punishment!" she sent the earthy chunk at the elder as a bronze masked figure popped out from the shadows and cut the chunk in half where it fell harmlessly on to the ground.

It was Gamble! As he turned and sent the elder and his son off to safety his comrades emerged as well! Jaar El,Luster Core, Blotch, Wrekkage, Uproot, Shockwave and Light, landed beside there leader! The Secret Society?

Gaia scoffed and fumed, she wanted to fight them but was outnumbered. She then retreated while saying " This isn't over!"

Victor stood stunned and at a loss for words. He was then brought to Gamble's base. Victor then learned that the complete opposite was taking place in the this dimension then what he was used to back home. The Freedom League or what was known here as 'The Freedom Lords' were vicious tyrants and dictators that crushed every single conceivable democratic process for the citizens.

And the Secret Society, the group he battled so hard back home, was the leader of the resistance! Victor nearly broke out in tears as he said "This isn't right! I need to get back home where everything is normal!" Gamble then retorted "You know about the dimensional rifts? Interesting, The Lords are harnessing the rifts energy in an attempt to destroy the rebellion!"

A screen appeared with some sort of battle plan. "We need to find some way up their tower and destroy them! Once we're done you can go through the rift."

Blackmail??? Victor thought angerly. He had seemingly no choice! They arrived at Freedom Tower and flew up into the main room where the rift was evident. Gamble was right! In what was some sort of cruel, perverse joke Victor fought along side his perceived enemies against his perceived friends. Although he took some sick pleasure in fighting Tre, being his raw feeling towards him, he, in a manner of speaking, lost a bit of his soul as he helped to defeat Gaia, Billy, Marty and Pandora. Once the battle was over, Victor turned to the rift and proceeded slowly to it but not before Gamble shouted the words" Thank you Victor".

Victor began to laugh hysterically as he walked into the rift. "Its a dream......Its a dream......Its a dream." is what he told himself over and over again as he left that dimension behind.

EXTRA:Your new life starts here:The Exobytes gift

Victor emerged from the portal, falling straight on his face. As he arose he gazed at the surrounding corn fields and red barn's that were scattered along the hills. He started to walk down the dirt road. Buildings became visible as he walked for hours. Exhausted mentally, he began to hope it was the real Sareen Coast. As he walked towards the city his attention was drawn to a bright red sign with gold lettering that read "Welcome to Metropolis! Home of The Man Of Steel" It was not Sareen Coast. It wasn't his home. Victor did everything he could to keep from screaming out in misery, as he walked into the city. He had to find a way home.

He continued to walk until he reached Metropolis Park. It was decimated and no longer resembled a park. As Victor looked around at the destruction and looked up at a giant shielded mechanical drop ship. This whole thing resembled what was back at Sareen Coast. What was going on?

As he walked more he came across at a swarm of what looked like bees. What was worse was that they went after Victor. Victor was to mentally and physically anguished to resist and the bees completely engulfed him, he then fell back. This was the end, he told himself, but he didn't feel any stinging pain. They weren't bees at all! They were exobytes! Once they were done they ceased the swarm and flew off. Victor lay on the grass as he started to drift into unconsciousness but not before seeing a statuesque figure appear over him.

EXTRA:Your new life starts here: Young Unity

Just voices. "So you brought him here Knick"? said a masked boy. Victor lay on a examination table while two boys who seemed to be around Victor's age stood over him, "What was I supposed to do Sy? He's been through hell. I couldn't just leave him out there with Braniac's minions lurking about." said a blonde haired boy. The blonde haired boy stood above Vic, examining him with a x-ray scanner "No internal injuries. Good. A quick shot of medicine and he'll be all set for the evening. The boy grabbed the syringe and proceeded towards Victor. The syringe had just barely touched Victor's skin before he leaped up over the two kids and rushed towards his bow and arrow.

Victor loaded his bow and aimed it at the two boys! "WHO ARE YOU!?!? WHERE AM I!?!?" he screamed. The blonde haired boy answered "Relax it's okay. You're on my island. Your safe. I brought you here for medical attention. Your're among friends. Put the bow down." Victor kept it drawn however as the door behind him slid open. He felt a hand on the back of his head.

He felt strange, every muscle in his body became weak. He fell to his knees. "Just in time Rae." the blonde haired boy stated "C'mon help me get him to the chair. Once Victor was awake enough, the blonde haired boy began to speak again. "Now where were we? Aw yes like I said earlier, your on my island. You passed out and I brought you here." the boy sat down in another chair and continued " Now I attempted to give you some medicine to help with your injuries earlier. I trust you'll let me administer it this time correct?" he then injected Victor with the shot.

" Now that that's out of the way, I believe some introductions are in order. My name is Kal En but you may call me Knick. These are my teammates Sylent and Redhot Rae but you can call her Rae. Your lucky I found you when I did. The exobytes could have inadvertantly killed you due to the weakened state you were in." Victor then asked "What are exobytes?" Kal filled him in on what exobytes were, how they came to be and there role in creating super powered citizens.

"We just have to see what powers you acquired." Kal said " You already possess a impressive talent at alchemy." Sylent then began to speak " So whats your name stranger?" Victor answered "My name is Victor, Victor Hood" " Nice to meet you Victor!" Kal said enthusiastically. "We're Young Unity!" Kal filled Victor in on where he came from and all his background information about Young Unity and its inception. Victor in turn, gave information about himself including where he came from, how he got to Metropolis and the death of his friends.

Kal gave Victor a tour of Young Unity's HQ and in which he met more of its members including Aer El, a member of the Green Lantern Core, Sol Zen, one of Kal's most trusted right hand mans, and Mental Ward, another of Kal's trusted friends.

Upon further investigation it was discovered that Victor had, through contact with the exobytes,obtained the ability to control nature, most visibly the plants and trees and he also gained the ability to fly.

He was then thrust into training and honed his new powers. Kal looked on and spoke "You'll do just great here Vic." and left the room. Victor then harnessed a tree vine and shot it towards the target, knocking it off the pedestal.

As he proceeded to place it back on he stopped. Everything that happened to him began to sink in, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He fell to his knees and cried for what seemed like hours. His second family had been killed. He couldn't get home. Everything was black. As the days turned to weeks, Victor still hadn't felt to be a part of Young Unity, he was just there. Bleeding on the inside.

EXTRA:Didn't you almost have it all?: Fortress of Solitude

As time progressed, Victor was plagued with horrible nightmares and severe night terrors, the nightmares were the same each time. He would witness his friends being killed the same way that they did die.He would be powerless in his dreams just as he was when they were killed.

Hour's betrayal had caused all these events and if Victor ever came across him again, the murder of Claidmor would be nothing compared to what he would do to him. Every night was the same as during his nightmares, Kal and some other league members feverishly restrained Victor's thrashing.

Upon further scans by Kal it was discovered that many of Victor's emotional synapses were plagued with a new form of Psychosis, a form that plagued him emotionally and acted like bipolar disorder, an affliction that Kal studied, hoping to find a cure for. Random laughing and crying could be heard around the base as days turned to weeks.

Everyday was the same as well, as Victor walked around the busy base flooded with business he would be bombarded with snickers and gossip."Oh my god, I heard he killed two people!" "Really? That's hardly heroic" " Man he's messed up" All this is what he heard daily.

One female league member even went so far as to say "Oh my god he is so emo!" Sufficive to say once Kal caught wind of the social aggression, he was deeply angered. Much like it was with Young Freedom, Young Unity was a family. Every member had to be treated fairly and with respect in order for the league to function properly. Kal held a meeting that required the attendance of every member of the league except for Victor. He was quoted saying that the behavior would "no longer be tolerated!"

The behavior did cease, unfortunately Victor grew into a very unforgiving and cold person as time progressed and before he knew it his first mission with Young Unity had begun.

The very superhero that Victor saw plastered on the billboard at the city limits of Metropolis appeared on the giant screen. "Young Unity! This is Superman!..." *static* " the Justice League requires your assistance at my sanctuary!..." *static* "Please come as fast as you can!...." The transmission ended.

"Sol!" Kal said,calling to a boy who emerged from the crowd. He was clad in wizard like apparel. Kal continued " We're gonna need to bring every available Unity Dropship! Destination , Fortress of Solitude!". " You got it Kal." Sol Zen responded " I need about 10 league members who can pilot the ships! Everyone else follow Kal!"

Every league member dispersed and piled into the 10 Unity dropships. And on all the ships the heroes at in individual pods and were briefed on their mission. Lex Luthor had unleashed a full assault against his rival's sanctuary. The JLA, JSA and other heroic league's fought against Lex and his forces as Superman stood over everything as the dropships arrived.

Superman turned and greeted his young allies. There was a device at the entrance of the Fortress known as the crystal decoder that was scanning the Fortress's inner blueprint attempting to copy its structure. Lex was attempting to create his own FOS that he could build along with LexCorp. His Fortress would be act like a satellite, stealing every known bit of information available.

Bank account numbers, pin numbers, social security number, financial records, LLC's, patents etc. would all be stolen unless the heroes acted. Superman began to blast open a hole trough a wall creating a cave where the kids could sneak under to the other side while the adults fought above. Kal, Sol, Aer, Nate Grey, Rae, Marsboy, Omniwing and Victor went below as the rest of Young Unity flew into battle above.

Victor and the other heroes went through the underground cavern to the device in which they meant to destroy it, fighting with vast amounts of Lex's burrowing cyborgs along the way. Once they emerged through the ground at the entrance of the Fortress where the crystal decoder lay sending blue streaks in the sky. It was guarded by more of Lex's forces.

The heroes quickly battled with the cyborgs and emerged victorious. The started to walk to the device while Victor walked a tad slower then his teammates. He then noticed that a stray laser-like beam shot towards Kal. Victor only had milliseconds to respond. He flew at Kal and pushed him out of the laser's path at took it straight in the chest.

He fell onto the ivory steps as everyone chattered asked Victor if he was okay. While some stayed behind, Kal carried Victor back to one of the dropships where he remained in the Med-wing until the mission was won.

Victor regained consciousness and sat up. They were back at the island. Kal rose from his seat as he looked through a blood work microscope. "Victor, I'm sorry. I should have been more aware. That blast was meant for me and you intercepted it, thank you." he said as he continued looking through the microscope.

"I have got some bad news. The laser that struck you has completely erased the exobytes within your blood." You can no longer control nature." he finally ceased looking through the microscope and looked at Vic's stunned face.

EXTRA:Didn't you almost have it all?: No more nature

Victor couldn't find any words as Kal continues speaking " Oddly enough you haven't lost the ability to fly." Victor sttod up and was able to weakly but surely hover over the ground. Kal was correct.

"This is a strange phenomenon that I have never seen before. Usually a human from what I've seen loses every aspect of their powers. But not you, I have concluded that this is due to the fact that you already had superhuman abilities prior to coming here." Kal said while stroking his cheek." You should still be of much use to us."

And Victor did continue to be of use despite losing the exobyte's given abilities. He re-trained himself back to the martial arts and archery skills of his father and the alchemy skills of his mother to aide in battle. He felt that he finally began to regain his old identity as well. He could once again see his mother's loving nature and compassion and his father strength and determination within him once more.

Better still he began to feel that he gained the respect of his new league mates finally. Many of them couldn't stop thanking him for sacrificing his powers to protect Kal. Only briefly however did his lack of exobyte powers hinder him at all.

EXTRA: Didn't you almost have it all?: New Powers for Sale?

The hindrance occurred when they fought against a giant monster that threatened New York City. The monster was, of course, big and grotesque and had the ability to shoot fireballs out of its mouth. Every hero on the scene pummeled the beast quite effectively. Victor attacks however seemed to do little damage and in fact he took more of a beating than anything.

The battle was eventually won however. Although saving the world was hardly a competition between heroes, Victor wasn't happy. As the league unloaded off of the dropships he slammed his metallic bow and arrow set on the counter and stormed off, not secretive to any of his teammates.

For hour after hour Victor remained in his quarters until a knock was heard at his door. "Vic? It's me Kal. I have someone who would like to talk to you" Victor rose and proceeded to the door. The door slide open, Kal was beside a green, black and white clad adult. "Hello Victor. Nice to finally meet you. My name is Kyle Rayner."

EXTRA: Didn't you almost have it all?: Planet Oa!

Victor, Kal, and Kyle Rayner sat around that marble coffee table in Victors quarters. "I heard you need some new powers. Kal told me how much of a willful person you are. How would like to be a lantern?" Kyle asked. Victor, of course had to be brought up to speed on who the lanterns were before he agreed.

Once he agreed he was required to accompany Kyle to Planet Oa! It was a misty world with vast amounts of alien species and green mountains, old as time itself. He was brought to wise mage's known as The Guardians of the Universe.

One of them spoke "Is this the boy?", Kyle nodded. "Very well" the guardian said" Victor Isaac Hood of Earth, you have shown great capacity to be a lantern. Do you swear to endlessly protect every sector regardless of affiliation?"

"Yes." Victor said as Kyle moved to his side. Another guardian spoke to Victor telepathically. He began to describe the recruitment process.

EXTRA: Didn't you almost have it all?: Recruitment

The process would require a trip to the respective sector's of the Hope, Compassion, and Love Corps. Including his will, Victor's hope, love, and compassion would be tested impartially to see which was strongest. Whatever was most profound and powerful would be what Victor was destined to be.

Kyle Rayner, Ganthet alongside Sayd, Iroque A.K.A Indigo-1 and a young Carol Ferris stood before Victor, holding their respective ring. Victor was forced to close his eyes and concentrate. The ring that responded the strongest to Victor's energy would fly towards him.

Victor stood silent with his eyes closed. Then a succession of swooshing sounds followed by gasps and murmurs. Victor opened his eyes and observed as all the rings circled around him. Unbelievably enough, a red,orange and yellow ring also generated from Victor's energy. All sides of the spectrum lay around him.

The telepathic guardian spoke " This is very strange. A phenomenon, no doubt, that I have never witnessed in my lifetime". "What now?" Ganthet spoke " The boy should pick what ring he wishes to wield."

"I don't know what ring to pick." Victor said " I'm everything!" It took the guardians only moments to make a decision.

The eldest guardian spoke " We have decided! We will forge a new ring!" And thus over a period of 3 months, Victor remained on Oa, training with every ring that responded to his energy. And finally 3 months later the ring was finished.

The ring was grey and appropriately enough had a mythological entity that Victor had almost forgotten, Fenrir. Thus the first Passion ring was forged giving birth to the Passion Corps.

It was discovered that Victor encapsulated every emotion in the spectrum evenly. He inherited his father's willpower naturally giving birth to Victor's will power. Victor had felt almost endless amounts of rage over Hour's betrayal and his old families death making him a prime candidate for the red ring.

He, being a hero, possessed great compassion towards those who could not defend themselves so the indigo ring was a great choice. He occasionally felt himself to be the most important member of Young Unity and wanted the praise for himself so it was only natural that the ring of greed responded to him.

His fear peaked at the thought of never returning home and that fear continues to plague him. The ring of fear most likely sensed that. His endless love for his old and current league and Hope that he would finally find a way to his old home as well finished off all aspects of Victor's emotions.

Once forged,the grey ring of Fenrir proceeded down to Victor where,in white sparks , it lay on Victors right ring finger. He closed his eyes as a surge went through him. The very essence of life itself, as a grey aura appeared from the ring around him. His striking green eyes changed from the inside to white.

He then, along with Kyle Rayner flew back to Earth. Victor was eager to see his league once more.

EXTRA: Didn't you almost have it all?: Passion Corps Oath

A obelisk would lay back in Victor's homeland. It had the following phrase in gold lettering.

"Whether it's helping for the cause of good or trumping evil's might. We put 100% of ourselves into every fight. Will,Fear,Rage,Hope,Compassion,Greed and Love. ALL TO THE MAX!!!!"

EXTRA: From Black Pool with Love: Pink Asteroid

Victor, back on Earth and indeed a newer person, along with his league were sent on a diplomatic mission to Blackpool,England. A mission that would require Young Unity to take refuge there for many many months. Europe was in financial freefall, a situation that would eventually no doubt, affect the U.S as well.

The league was sent along with the U.S. President, Aaron Freelance and his White House cabinet to try to appeal for the dysfunctional government as well for Young Unity to keep protesting citizens in check, who were ransacking the busy streets.

As the whole mission progressed a earthquake had emerged as a dimensional rift began to crack the sky! It spit out a giant asteroid that had neon pink lines running through it. It crashed into the nearest body of water. The whole diplomatic fiasco seemed to stop like time itself as the heroes flew off to where the asteroid landed.

Kal gently lifted it up and set it on the nearest sidewalk as other league members began to huddle around it. Victor cut through the crowd and began to feel an emotional aura. Love??? It was love! "There's a life form inside" Victor said to Kal.

Kal then proceeded to cut through it swiftly but carefully with laser vision. It broke open in half and inside lay a girl clad in shiny pink attire. She was alive but greatly injured. She had the ring of love on her ring finger of her right hand opposite Victor's grey ring. Carol Ferris was brought to the league's refuge for medical attention. She was much younger then the Carol Ferris that Victor met on Oa. In fact she was Victors age, perhaps a little younger.

Eventually she awoke, telling everyone very troubling news. The dimension in which she lived was brought to extinction by the Black Corps of Death. Every lantern corp in her dimension, evil and good alike fought as one but were eventually destroyed. She had made a last ditch attempt to escape and left her baron land behind.

This whole situation had reminded Victor of what happened back in his old home with Apocalypse. Like back home, the league would keep a sharp eye out for the Black Corps arrival.

EXTRA:From Black Pool with Love: Taming of the Shrew.....sort of

During their occupation of Blackpool. Carol Ferris was under a very close watch by Victor. He grew enthralled by her. He didn't know what it was that piqued his interest. Before Victor realized it he had developed his first crush. Month after month his crush grew quite large and finally he had gathered the courage to tell her his feelings.

Unfortunately this version of Carol Ferris was very ill-tempered, cold, and independent, so much in fact that she felt she could form a league with only her in it. Nonetheless Victor was set on telling her his feelings.

He stood entranced as he watched her through the crack of the door leading through her quarters. She was meditating, her pink energy pulsing through the room. She then spoke, annoyed " I know your there. Is there a reason your intruding in my quarters?" the door then swung open in a pink flash, revealing Victor. "Well?" Ferris spoke again.

Victor cleared his throat as he finally spoke " I'm sorry to disturb you. I just wanted to tell you something." Ferris opened her eyes, her meditation obviously ruined. She then walked to Victor while speaking "Well then spit it out."

Victor gulped again and said his part " I like you. I mean I really like you. I think your great". For a few seconds Ferris said nothing then she started to laugh "Is that it?" she asked while still laughing.

Deflated, Victor said "Yes.Yes it is" he looked down. "Well thanks for letting me know that! Can I get back to meditating?" Ferris said to which Victor responded " Yeah, knock yourself out." He meant that quite literally. He walked out as the door again, in a pink flash, was closed.

EXTRA:From Black Pool with Love: The Techno Tyrants

Life, of course, went on for Victor despite Star Sapphire's cruel rejection. The crisis in Blackpool seemed to make no progress. As the Presidential Cabinet went to conference after conference with the British parliament, Victor, Star Sapphire and the rest of Young Unity did there usual work of keeping the citizens under control.

As the day grew old, the heroes were intercepted by super villains known as the Techno Tyrants headed by the evil scientist known as T.O Morrow. They then released what they called techno droids into the public! What the droids lacked in size they more then made up for in sheer numbers, estimated in the thousands. They swarmed the streets, climbing on the heroes and citizens like ants. Kal swatted the droids of him as they crawled all over him. He felt weak, the droids were laced with Kryptonite! As he slowly but surely grew weaker and weaker Victor was able to create tiny cage like manifestations and all at once got the droids off from Kal.

As he drew back , Mental and Sylent fought to protect him in his weakened state. Victor continued to fight alongside Star. He had created a grey sword and shield to combat the droids more effectively. But the droids were to vast in numbers and began to climb on Star. These droids were laced with yellow fear like energy, the ring of fear! Star screamed in a panic. The yellow energy seemed to bother her tremendously. She fell to her knees as Victor raced to her side. He grabbed her and flew up with her to the outer layer of Earth's atmosphere, where the droids began to freeze over and fall back to Earth! He then flew back down to Earth with Star. After setting her down on the tallest skyscraper he flew back to his friends.

The droids were immense in numbers and seemed to increase while Victor was briefly in space. Victor then remembered what had happened to the droids that were brought into space. But how would Victor bring all those droids? He began to come up with a plan, not quite sure if it would work or not. He flew up as the droids bit at his ankles.

He flew into the outer atmosphere once more and began to charge his ring with emotional energy. The energy grew quite massive and began to resemble a huge weight. Victor struggled to keep it lifted and once he could charge it no longer he dropped himself and the weight back to Earth! He torpedo'd himself back into the battle and struck the ground with such force that the very crust rippled like a slingshot, sending the droids into space where they froze over and fell helplessly to Earth.

T.O Morrow and his allies were defeated once the droids were disposed off, and hailed off to prison. Back at the refuge, Star sat gently stroking the calm water in a stone fountain. Victor entered the yard and walked towards her. Star didn't look at him but rather spoke " Why did you help me back there?". Victor then sat by her and responded " You were in trouble.." he was interrupted however by Star who yelled " You think I need saving?!?!" She then began to walk off as Victor said " Your a member of this league so I did for you what I would do for any other member. Plus I like you."

Star turned and raised her hand. Victor closed his eyes, he knew what Star was going to do but instead of a stinging slap he felt a warm and embracing hug. He opened his eyes in surprise as Star spoke again with tears in her eyes "Stupid! Look what you made me do. I'm no good with this emotional stuff." Victor embraced her back as she said in a whisper " Thank You."

EXTRA:From Black Pool with Love: Promethean and the Lantern's of the Grey

Upon their occupation, Young Unity had discovered a massive energy level in the distant Sector 2214 thought to be the arrival of the Black Lantern Corps. Half the league stayed on Earth and the other set on a voyage to discover the identity of the massive energy. Once there the dropship was dragged in to energy's massive gravitational pull. As a blue sun emerged from behind the mass it unveiled the mass to be a planet!

The planet was white and set with two moons which the league would come to learn as Vega III and Mishka. The dropship landed on the icy world, infested with harsh blizzards. As Victor walked out into the negative temperature weather,with the league he walked ahead in an attempt to find the source of the energy. They came to a canyon with numerous caves. Star stood by Victor's side when they heard a sound that would forever be synonymous with the planet. "GRAWWWWWWWSSSSHHHH" yelled the first yeti-like creature, the rest then emerged from the caves.

At least 10 yeti's surrounded them and not so much walked down as much as floated down. The team fought with the yeti's in a stalemate until bright red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo and pink beams shot at the yetis, striking them first then bouncing off into the sky, crackling apart like fireworks in which scared the yeti's back into their caves. Once the beast's retreated, twice as many blue transparent-skinned beings emerged from the distance of the blizzard, all donned in grey robes.

They drifted closer to the surrounded heroes. They all spoke as seemingly one entity " Humans. Welcome to Promethean, our home. We were expecting you. We have the lantern of passion to thank for bringing you all here." Victor? " Who are you? How do you all know who I am?" Victor asked.

"Our teachers, The Guardians of Oa, promised us a leader. A hero that could also control every emotion. We are the first lantern's of the grey and you are our leader. Aliens across the universe who can control every emotion will look to you as their leader as well."

Victor stood stumped at the telepathic's revelations. They asked the heroes to accompany them back "home". As they were transported the device that they used to monitor the very energy that they were sent to investigate spiked. They came across a giant mountainous cliff overseeing a massive grey battery that doubled as a hollowed out base.

EXTRA:From Black Pool with Love: Grey Grow's Graciously

And indeed more and more heroes, who could control every emotional power, would travel to the icy world of Promethean. The very first grey harnesser's that would reveal themselves as 'The Mystic' would initiate the very same recruitment as Victor undertook. Planet Oa for will, Planet Odym for hope, Planet Ysmault for rage, Planet Zamaron for love, Planet Qward for fear, Planet Nok for compassion, Planet Okaara for greed, and finally Planet Promethean for passion were all vocal points for the emotional spectrum. The planet would become the base of operations for the Passion Corps with Victor thrust into the leadership role alongside his stint with Young Unity.

The Passion corps, or 'Greybacks' as Victor would call themselves, would grow vast in numbers in time, even recruiting some Justice League members such as Plastic Man, Bart Allen, and Oracle, whose new found powers gave her the ability to walk once more. Also the corps would also gain members from The Freedom League including, Silver Cat, Black Puma, and Titan. Two obelisks would be created, Victor requested the original be transported to his oldest home in Ireland, upon the staked territory of his Father's clan while the second remained on Promethean.